Call for Papers
2nd Body as Starting Point (BAaST) Workshop on Inbodied Interaction:
Applying Inside Body Knowledge for Inbodied Design
Sunday May 5
At CHI2019, Glasgow
Submission deadline: February 21; you’ll hear back from us by February 28
BAaST – that’s Body As a Starting Point. That starting point is for interactive technology design, and our question is: if we start designs that will touch bodies from an understanding of how those bodies operate (from macro processes like sleep to micro processes like hormonal signalling of metatonin) how might this knowledge inform/change our designs for health and wellbeing, for performance?
A growing area in HCI is the creation of tools to support health and performance. As the field moves in this domain, there is a meta-structural problem emerging; health is a holistic concept that requires an understanding of the many systems involved and their dynamic interactions, but the HCI community, at present, is producing technological artifacts that are largely fragmenting health and lack grounding in basic understanding of human physiology, neurology, etc. This fragmentation is compromising the field’s ability to advance in this important domain. Of course, the challenge of holism of health is that it is far too complex for any one person or group to manage at present. How might we advance a new form of design that enables the emergence of more holistic tools and perspectives for advancing proactive and preventive health?
One emerging approach for advancing this problem is inbodied design. Inbodied design is an emerging area in HCI that focuses on using knowledge of the body’s internal systems and processes to better inform the design spaces appropriate for HCI. The inbodied design space acknowledges three plausible systems to be aware of including the internal workings of the body within the skin (inbodied), the actions and behaviors made by individuals (em-bodied), and, potentially, the microbiome and other contextual factors outside of the skin that impact health, which we label circum-bodied. When we view the in-, em-, and circum-bodied as a coherent system, we can design from a more holistic, grounded understanding of human performance.
The focus of this workshop is to build on our prior work from last year’s Body as a Starting Point Workshop in particular to explore how best to advance this work further and grow this community:
- How might we better account for inbodied systems when building tools that target em-bodied actions?
- How can we, for instance, better understand that which is functioning circum-bodied?
- Are there mappings between IOT, wearables, and particular aspects of this?
- How do we build in such a way that technology artifacts can continually be advanced towards a more holistic perspective rather than foster further fragmentation and confusion?
These are the questions we seek to explore in this workshop.
To support this exploration, we are requesting papers of a variety of domains, including papers responsive to this introduction, even from authors with no prior engagement in inbodied design.
For those who participated in last year’s workshop or core who are interested in engaging with prior materials, we also welcome papers proposing innovative solutions to address one of the specific design challenges described below.
Our mission for this workshop is to have participants gain the practice and confidence to start using and exploring Inbodied interaction approaches in their own research and design practice. We build from the foundation we created in last year’s workshop where we introduced and explored Inbodied interaction concepts as interesting ideas. This year, participants will gain pragmatic experience with the in5 approaches that can be used to inform novel designs and support aspirations for performance. In this year’s workshop, we begin from the participants submissions that demonstrate their engagement with the in5 concepts to solve new problems presented in the design challenges. In these presentations and design jams, we will build and strengthen shared understandings of these ideas so that participants will have confidence in taking these ideas forward and applying them in their own work.
- to recap Inbodied design – discussing what it can offer to HCI in the next wave of research.
- To demonstrate the use of the in5 lenses to build novel applications that support aspirations for human performance.
- to chart Inbodied design ideas to further develop and grow this emerging area in HCI.
- to build a community by offering a cross domain online space to connect with others who are interested in this area.
Position Papers (due Feb 21):
The first workshop in 2018 introduced participants to in5 and explored design challenges developed at the time. This year, the one-day workshop will build on this foundation. We invite three types of position papers:
- A: Open discussions on any aspect of Inbodied-centered design as outlined above (let us know which one you’re addressing),
- B: imaginative design responses to design challenge, listed below, and
- C: Roll Your Own in5 Design to explore one or two MEECS (move, eat, engage, cogitate, sleep) exploring a process vs problem approach, for instance, an n-of-1 approach to build a practice over time.
Examples of types of challenges that might be explored include these inspired from the workshop last year:
CHALLENGE ONE – GPS has made way-finding increasingly passive. Yet studies show that actively practicing navigation, while in that physical environment, results in the involved areas of the brain physically growing. This development may be an aid against cognitive decline. How can MEECS be leveraged in interactive designs to help leverage skill building for more active way finding, – especially for those who may be directionally challenged with or without GPS.
CHALLENGE TWO – Introverts have a hard time making small talk; extroverts have a hard time listening. Oxytoxin is a hormone that triggers trust; endorphins create a sense of happiness or even euphoria. How might we use Movement with ENGAGE in an interactive tech design to help us practice better social engagement?
CHALLENGE THREE – Rich engagement with diverse bacteria in the environment, from food to forests to farm animals seem to connect with better physical and mental health. How design a movement support app that also helps connect with this bacterial diversity?
Meta-challenge: Methods!
Please use the nice new Extended Abstract Format for CHI2019
No more than 4 pages of text – and no more than 1 page of refs (5 total pages)
Deadlines for submission are Feb 21; you’ll hear back from us by Feb 28.
Please upload your entry by following the below link:
We look forward to reading your papers and meeting you in Glasgow
Your organisers,
Josh Andres, IBM, Australia
m.c. schraefel, WellthLab, U of Southampton, UK
Aaron Tabor, UNB, Canada
Erik Hekler, Health Design Lab, UCSD, USA
To find out how to join and more details visit our website:
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