Jobs: Faculty positions in HCI in Understandable Autonomous Systems: Ethics, Transparency and Trust at University of Glasgow

Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader in Understandable Autonomous Systems: Ethics, Transparency and Trust (GIST)

The University of Glasgow, UK

Reference Number: 023201
Location: Gilmorehill Campus / Main Building
Job Family: Research And Teaching
Position Type: Full Time
Salary Range: £35,210 – £39,610 / £43,266 – £50,132 / £51,630 – £58,089 per annum

Full details:

Closing Date: 31 March 2019


NOTE: This is the job description for the Lecturer grade 7/8. Job Description for the Senior Lecturer/Reader post is available as an attachment at the bottom of [the page at the url above]. Please specify which position(s) you wish to be considered for on your cover letter.

The School is creating a research theme in Understandable Autonomous Systems (UAS): Ethics, Transparency and Trust that will explore impending interaction challenges for computational services and algorithms. Whatever we interact with these days, there is a complex system behind it. This could be when making online purchases, in autonomous cars, or social robots. We believe that such systems must have the following characteristics: Explainability, Accountability, Human Learnability, Transparency, Verifiability, Trustworthiness, Privacy/Confidentiality, Fairness, Ethics/Morality.

We are looking for an outstanding researcher who can work with the Glasgow Interactive Systems research section (GIST) on human-computer interaction in areas such as explainable AI, open algorithms, ethics and system design. We are especially interested in academics with a practical research focus.

In this context the job purpose is to develop, lead and sustain research of international standard in the topics described above; to actively engage in teaching at undergraduate and/or postgraduate level and to play a role in developing and executing School strategy, management and organisation.

For appointment at Grade 8:
Develop, lead and sustain research of international standard in the human aspects of UAS particularly through vigorously pursuing opportunities to generate income and publish.


  1. Develop internationally leading research activity in a research topic linked to the GIST priorities above.
  2. Develop a portfolio of individual and/or joint research projects and secure the funding required to underpin the long-term growth of the research activity.
  3. To enhance the research programme of the research group/specialism by playing leadership role in developing and implementing group/specialism strategy.
  4. Develop significant high-quality output of research publications in leading international journals and presentations at national and international conferences, enhancing the reputation, profile and esteem of yourself and the School/College/University.
  5. Supervise research students and staff and ensure their effective development, as appropriate.
  6. Play a significant role in the GIST Section, at least one of its component research groups and the School. Contribute to developing research across the College and University.
  7. Develop research collaborations with appropriate individuals and groups within the University, including multi-disciplinary links, and develop external research collaborations both nationally and internationally, to ensure that research activities are at the forefront of the field.
  8. Contribute to the planning, organisation and delivery of undergraduate and/or postgraduate teaching activities within the School.
  9. Contribute to the on-going development and design of undergraduate and/or postgraduate curricula, in a manner that supports a research-led approach to student learning.
  10. Participate fully in assessment and examination processes using a variety of methods, as appropriate, and provide feedback to students that is relevant, timely and supports their learning.
  11. To contribute to the work of national and international Research Councils and similar bodies at an appropriate level.
  12. To engage, when appropriate, in the dissemination of advanced research through commercialisation, technology transfer, outreach etc.
  13. Engage in professional development activities as appropriate and in external academic and professional activities to enhance the reputations of the School/College/University.
  14. Contribute to the management and organisational duties of the School, as allocated by the Head of School.

For appointment at Grade 8:

  1. Develop, lead and sustain internationally leading research activity in HCI aspects of UAS.
  2. Lead/contribute to the planning, organisation and delivery of undergraduate and/or postgraduate teaching activities within the School.
  3. Lead/contribute to the on-going development and design of undergraduate and/or postgraduate curricula, in a manner that supports a research-led approach to student learning.



  • A1 A good first degree in a relevant GIST discipline
  • A2 A PhD or equivalent in Computing Science or related GIST discipline
  • A3 A comprehensive and up-to-date knowledge of current issues and future directions within the wider subject area or subject specialism
  • A4 An established reputation in an internationally competitive field of research within HCI aspects of UAS that matches or enhances existing research themes within the School
  • A5 A track record of HCI-related research, and research interests that complement our existing research strengths in human-computer interaction and social signal processing


  • C1 Ability, drive and organisational skills to secure research grant funding, lead a research team and develop an international research profile
  • C2 Research creativity and strong cross-discipline collaborative ability
  • C3 Ability to teach effectively at undergraduate and/or taught postgraduate level
  • C4 Excellent Team Leadership skills including demonstrable supervisory skills
  • C5 Appropriate workload/time/project/budget/people management skills
  • C6 Excellent interpersonal skills including team working and a collegiate approach
  • C7 Excellent communication skills (oral and written) in appropriate range of contexts
  • C8 Problem solving skills including a flexible and pragmatic approach
  • C9 Self motivation, initiative and independent thought/working
  • C10 Ability and willingness to take on appropriate administrative duties within the School
  • C11 A commitment to high quality, research led, student orientated teaching
  • C12 Leadership, influencing and facilitation skills
  • C13 Ability to provide strategic contribution at subject or School level


  • E1 Postdoctoral research experience in relevant area
  • E2 Established track record of publications of international quality
  • E3 An excellent track record of development and delivery of teaching, tutoring or demonstrating at undergraduate or postgraduate level
  • E4 An established track record of successfully applying for and securing research funding either as Lead or Co Investigator
  • E5 Experience of research collaborations at national and/or international level
  • E6 An excellent track record of contributing to the development, organisation and delivery of research activities and projects
  • E7 Evidence of significant esteem and independence in research
  • E8 Proven ability to present research results at international workshops and conferences
  • E9 An excellent track record of performing administrative duties in a research led institution

For appointment at Grade 8:

  • E10 Extensive track record of postdoctoral research experience in relevant area
  • E11 Experience of leadership of PGR supervision
  • E12 Experience of leading curriculum development at undergraduate or postgraduate level


Please see our candidate brochure for further information, and other opportunities, within the School:

If appointed at Grade 7/8 you will be enrolled onto the University’s Early Career Development Programme (ECDP). This will provide you as an early career academic staff member to be developed and supported over a specified timeframe to facilitate the advancement of your academic career.

Information on the programme can be found on our website at:

New entrants to the University will be required to serve a probationary period of 6 months.

As part of your application as part of your cover letter you should submit one-page research and teaching statements outlining your vision for research and what you think matters for teaching, together with a link to your Google scholar page. It is the School’s standard practice to invite selected candidates to visit the School to provide a lecture and meet academic staff.

You are therefore strongly encouraged to discuss your application with the Section Lead, Professor Alessandro Vinciarelli, at the earliest opportunity. Email or telephone 0141 330 2795.

Relocation assistance will be provided where appropriate.

It is the University of Glasgow’s mission to foster an inclusive climate, which ensures equality in our working, learning, research and teaching environment.

We strongly endorse the principles of Athena SWAN, including a supportive and flexible working environment, with commitment from all levels of the organisation in promoting gender equality.

The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401.


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