Call for Papers:
Design Innovation Management Conference
London 18 to 21st June 2019
John Knight, Aalto University, Finland
Chirryl-Lee Ryan, Idean, US
Francesca Tassistro, Avanade,Italy
Arne van Oosterom, Design Thinkers Group, Netherlands
Joyce Yee, University of Northumbria, UK
Daniel Fitton, University of Central Lancashire, UK
Louise Valentine, University of Dundee, UK
Satu Miettinen, University of Lapland, Finland
Track contact:
Submit relevant papers for double-blind peer-review by 29th January 2019
This track explores current trends, collaborations, theories and practices in digital design both now and in the future. We welcome full paper submissions from practitioners and academics on the following topics:
- Reflections on current industry practice, including real-world examples of applied design methods, methodologies, agile and lean ways of working and cross-disciplinarity between digital designers and other disciplines;
- Understanding industry’s needs in terms of current and future digital design skills, capabilities and competencies including the adoption, use and trajectory of digital tools;
- Theoretical and practice-based accounts and challenges to existing digital practices in the broadest sense and specifically relating to user experience and service design;
- Explorations on the role that design plays, within tactical and strategic end-to-end digital product and service production and consumption; and
- Studies relating to the digital economy, with a specific focus on opportunities and threats to design theory and practice; and
- Future oriented studies that provide insights into how digital data might transform practice, outcomes and methods within the digital economy.
The growing area of digital design is underpinned by the growth of the broader digital economy. This is where Design Thinking transmutes from intellectual possibility to social and economic capital and where traditional notions of design practice, applied to the consumption of immutable products and services is disrupted. The implications of these radical changes need the full focus from the design community in order to ensure that we align education, research and practice to the trajectory of the digital economy.
As well as having relevance to the wider world, the digital context of design is also critical in shaping practice. This context goes far beyond accounting for the unique characteristics of digital materials and includes how, why, where and when design is done. For example, the tools and processes used to turn digital material into tangible products and services are distinctively different from traditional design domains.
Understanding the present, will form the basis of defining the necessary foundations for developing solutions to the future. This future orientation includes how design education and industry practice might evolve and also align more productively than at present. To do this, examples, cases, reflections and explorations of pertinent theoretical and practice-based work is sought to help define, develop and explore.
Deadline to submit full papers – 29th January 2019
- Download the Blind Paper Template:
- Register on ConfTool:
- Upload your final PDF and Word file onto ConfTool
Notification of accepted papers – 12th March
Deadline for final versions – 16th April
Full papers should be between 5000 and 6000 words in length excluding abstract and references using the initial blind full paper template that can be downloaded below. Both British English and American English is accepted.
We welcome any research approach or type of paper including conceptual, empirical and critical literature reviews. However, we expect high standards of scholarship within the papers. In terms of establishing context, explicating the methods of inquiry, and reporting results that may aid other researchers.
If you are single author, then you can submit only ONE paper. If a paper is co-authored, then you can submit as many papers as you have the co-authors. A lead presented will need to change for each of the different papers. For example, an Author A co-written a paper titled “Paper AB” has been accepted as well as the Author A’s single authored paper titled “Paper A”. Then Author B will lead the presentation on a paper titled “Paper AB” and the Author A will present paper titled “Paper A”.
Author names should NOT be identified in the abstract or the body of the submitted paper. The full papers must be previously unpublished.
For any questions please contact the conference organisers via this email address:
At least one author of accepted papers must attend the conference and present their work.
Special Journal Issue:
A Special Issue journal will be dedicated to selected papers from the conference. Papers will be selected after a further double-blind review process.
Conference Proceedings Indexing:
The proceedings will be submitted for indexing on Google Scholar, CPCI and SCOPUS.
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