Call for Papers
ACM ISS 2018 Workshop on Approaching Aesthetics on User Interface and Interaction Design
Tokyo, Japan
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Submission deadline: September 7, 2018
Organizers: Chen Wang, Sayan Sarcar, Masaaki Kurosu, Jeffrey Bardzell, Antti Oulasvirta, Aliaksei Miniukovich, Xiangshi Ren
- One full day workshop
- Panel discussion on highly relevant topics
- Paper presentation session
- Many possible collaboration opportunities
Dear Colleagues
We invite you to submit workshop papers for the upcoming ACM ISS workshop on “Approaching Aesthetics on User Interface and Interaction Design”.
Aesthetics are influential in how willingly, how comfortably and how efficiently humans interact with objects, devices, idea and systems. As one of the most professional academic communities for discussing new interactive techniques, the ISS community continue working on creating unique experiences on user interfaces. Aesthetics research aims to contribute principles of design towards more comfortable, appealing, satisfying and engaging interface and interaction experiences via the intelligent application of aesthetic principles and by considering aesthetics as a basic and essential aspect in all interface design. Overall, our workshop will provide an opportunity to enrich the research repository through discussing future research directions. Along with continuing community building, we hope to raise the general awareness of computational aesthetics among the ISS peers and colleagues.
This workshop focuses on developing approaches towards the application of aesthetic design factors for user interfaces and interactions. We seek to invite broader participation from experts such as designers, researchers, artists and so on from academia and industry and it will gather valuable feedback for further development of HCI aesthetic design, which will contribute to future aesthetics workshops and discussions.
We invite contributors to submit papers addressing one or more of the four threads: theories (e.g. identifying promising notion or frameworks), evaluation (e.g., evaluating aesthetic factors), methodologies (e.g., qualitative and quantitative methodologies), and potential applications (e.g., enlightening interactions or prototypes). In addition, the contributors could also find our planned workshop themes below:
- The Notion of Aesthetics
- The Balance between Aesthetics and Usability
- Aesthetic Evaluation on Surfaces and Spaces
- Computational Aesthetics
- Application on Practical Design
Details will be on the workshop website as and when available:
A 4-6 page (excluding reference) position paper in the CHI Extended Abstracts Format ( (PDF file) should be sent to Position papers will be reviewed based on relevance to the workshop and the potential for contributing to discussions on methods and the research agenda to be developed during the workshop. Accepted workshop papers will be in the companion proceedings published by ACM Digital Library.
At least one author of each accepted position paper must attend the workshop and all workshop participants must register for both the workshop and for at least one day of the conference.
Submission Deadline: September 7, 2018
Notification sent to authors: September 10, 2018
Camera-Ready Submission Due: September 14, 2018
Workshop Day: November 25, 2018
If you have any further question or concern, feel free to ask us. We look forward to receiving your submissions!
Best Regards,
Workshop Organizing Committee
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