Call: Pedagogy in Virtual Worlds – Ten Year Perspective issue of Journal of Virtual Worlds Research

Call for Proposals
Special issue of Journal of Virtual Worlds Research

Abstract submission deadline: August 20, with publication Q4-2018

Pedagogy in Virtual Worlds – Ten Year Perspective will be a special issue on pedagogy and learning in immersive environments to be led by guest editor Dr. Kenneth Y T Lim, from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


2019 marks the tenth anniversary of a landmark issue of the Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, which was themed on ‘Pedagogy.’ Volume 2 Number 1 of the journal was the fruition of a vision of the late Leslie Jarmon. Dr. Jarmon was a pioneer academic in the use of virtual worlds and immersive environments for learning, and the issue at the time (2009) – was the cutting edge of academic thought on what the affordances of virtual worlds are, and how they could be leveraged for learning.

Much has changed since the heady days of the late 2000s, yet many aspects have proved enduring.

This issue aims to document both the present and emerging state-of-the-art, covering the adoption, design, enaction, scaling and translation of immersive and/or mixed-reality environments for learning, and in other contexts of education.

Topics that would be of relevance to this issue include, but are not limited to:

  • The use of virtual worlds and / or immersive environments for learning
  • Mixed-modality / mixed-reality learning environments
  • Augmented reality in contexts of education
  • Virtual reality in contexts of training and / or instruction
  • Emerging research / late-breaking research on such environments with respect to learning
  • Think-pieces on the future of virtual worlds / mixed-reality environments for learning
  • The scaling of such interventions and their translation in to different contexts of learning


This is a 2 phase submission process: abstracts and then the full paper.

Interested authors are requested to submit a 500-word abstract by Aug. 20, 2018 via email to address. After review by the issue editors, authors of the accepted abstracts will be invited to submit original scholarly papers of 3000-5000 words (including footnotes, references, and appendices).

The guest editors are happy to discuss proposals for contributions. Please contact Dr. Kenneth Lim at kenneth.lim AT nie DOT edu DOT sg for questions prior to submission.

The full submissions should be made directly via the JVWR publishing system by October 20, 2018. For detailed instructions see > About JVWR > For Authors. All submissions will be peer reviewed using the JVWR double-open policy, which means that authors do not need to anonymize their papers, and reviewers’ identity is known to authors. See more details at JVWR site –> About JVWR –> For Authors –> Our double-Open Policy.


Authors submit abstracts: August 20, 2018
Editors’ decision on abstracts: August 25, 2018
Authors submit full papers: October 20, 2018
Editors return final decision after review: November 15, 2018
Authors submit final revision: November 25, 2018
Publication: December 25, 2018


Potential co-editors for this special issue are invited to approach the journal editorial team ( with CV and a cover letter depicting your interest and background in Virtual Worlds. The co-editors assist in managing the review process, supervise the final publications, and distribute the news about the release – all using The JVWR internal state of the art publishing process.


Please contact:

The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research ( is an online, open access academic journal that engages a wide spectrum of scholarship and welcomes contributions from the various disciplines and approaches that intersect with virtual worlds research. Virtual worlds ignite a continuously evolving area of study that spans multiple disciplines and the JVWR editorial team looks forward to engaging a wide range of creative and scholarly research.


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