Call for Papers
Joint Workshop on Intelligent Narrative Technologies and Intelligent Cinematography and Editing
November 11-12th, 2018
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Paper deadline: August 6th, 2018
Please consider contributing to the joint workshop of WICED (Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing) and INT (Intelligent Narrative Technologies), which will be collocated with the 14th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE 2018) at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
We invite submissions in the form of long papers (8 pages), short papers (4 pages), and posters (1 page).
The workshop website can be found here:
The INT/WICED joint workshop will accept papers on a rolling basis. Papers submitted before August 6, 2018 will receive decision notifications before 24 August, 2018, in time for the early registration deadline for AIIDE. All papers must be submitted before September 5th, 2018 to be considered for acceptance and publication in the joint workshop proceedings, and will receive notifications before September 20th, 2018.
The prospective schedule for the workshop is as follows:
Paper deadline: August 6th, 2018
Early Paper Notification: August 24th, 2018
Late submission deadline: September 5th, 2018
Late notification deadline: September 20th, 2018
Camera Ready Due: September 24th, 2018
Workshop date: November 11-12th, 2018
We invite papers from 4 main themes surrounding intelligent narrative and cinematography:
I. Computational Models of Narrative Generation
- Narrative discourse generation
- Computable narrative models inspired by cognitive science, narratology, drama studies, and related disciplines
- Drama management for interactive narratives
- Applications of intelligent narrative technologies, including education and healthcare
- Virtual characters that converse, narrate, perform, and behave believably
- Narrative knowledge acquisition
- Computational creativity in narrative systems
II. Computational Models of Narrative and Film Experience
- Models and measures of engagement in interactive narrative
- Cognitive models of film perception
- User studies and deployed intelligent narrative and smart camera systems
- Human-computer interaction with narrative, film, and video technologies
- Narrative presence and engagement in virtual environments
- Narrative-related affect and emotion
III. Evaluation of methodologies and user experience
- Narrative Interpretation and Multimodal Analysis
- Computational understanding, analysis, and summarization of film and narratives, including natural language processing and computer vision
- Interaction-oriented video and narrative annotation tools and corpora
- Automatic video analysis of movies
- Analysis of film style
IV. Intelligent Cinematography and Editing
- Virtual cinematography for narratives
- Authoring tools for intelligent video and narrative technologies, including collaborative authoring
- Camera path planning and visibility
- Automatic video editing
- Movie pre-visualization
- Virtual reality and augmented reality movie making
- Natural user interfaces for cinematography and video editing
- Re-cinematography, re-lighting and re-framing of live-action video
- Computer-assisted multi-camera production
- Interactive and automatic camera control
- Game cinematics, cinematic replays, and machinima
- Immersive and interactive cinema
- Expressive performance of virtual characters
Arnav Jhala, North Carolina State University, USA
Mei Si, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Hui-Yin Wu, North Carolina State University, USA
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