Call for chapter proposals for the edited book: “New Technology for Health-Related Cognitive and Behavioral Change”
Jihyun Kim, Ph.D., University of Central Florida, U.S.A.
Hayeon Song, Ph.D., Gachon University, South Korea
Chapter proposal deadline: May 15, 2018
We are currently seeking contributions to an edited book under contract with Elsevier titled “New Technology for Health-Related Cognitive and Behavioral Change.”
New technologies are shaping our lives from how we communicate to how we obtain and process information. In particular, scholars and health practitioners have attempted to use new technologies for various health inventions. This book is in response to the growing interest in health-related technologies.
The primary goals of this book are a) to provide primary theoretical frameworks for the effective use of new technologies and b) to provide an overview of how new technologies can be used to enhance physical and mental health. The following major book sections serve as guidelines for authors wishing to propose a specific chapter for inclusion in the book:
Part I: Theories for new technologies
The focus of Part I is to introduce fundamental theories that explain how and why the use of new technologies can be helpful in cognitive, attitudinal, and behavioral changes, particularly in the context of health. Theories may be from the following disciplines but not limited to: communication, social psychology, media psychology, neuro-science, human-computer interaction, human-robot interaction, etc.
Part II: New technologies for health
The focus of Part II is to outline how and why new technologies can be helpful for health-related cognitive, attitudinal, and behavioral changes. Each chapter will be focused on one particular technology. These may include the following but not limited to: mobile applications, serious games, augmented reality, virtual reality, robotics, artificial intelligence, etc.
Part III: Use of new technologies for physical health
The focus of Part III is to introduce research that investigates how new technologies can be used to promote physical health issues (e.g., exercise, smoking). Any physical health topic is welcome.
Part IV: Use of new technologies for mental health
The focus of Part IV is to introduce research that investigates how new technologies can be used to treat mental health issues (e.g., social, mental, psychological). Any mental health topic is welcome.
If you’re interested in proposing a chapter for this edited book, please submit the following to Jihyun Kim ( ) by May 15, 2018.
- Proposal including the following:
- Indicate the particular section from the outline that would best fit for the work (Part I, II, III, or IV)
- The specific topic of the work (tentative title)
- Indicate whether the work will be theoretical, empirical (specify if it is quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods), or review of literature
- Indicate whether the work is currently in progress (e.g., drafted, in progress) or will be a new project
- A 300-word summary of the proposed chapter
- A list of the authors and contact information for each author (e.g., degree, affiliation, email address)
- A 2-page of abbreviated CV for each author.
The editors will review the proposed chapters and notify authors by May 30, 2018 of acceptance of the proposal (though this is not an acceptance for publication). Complete final draft chapter manuscripts are due by September 30, 2018 and undergo two rounds of reviews by at least one editor and double-blind review by at least two reviewers. All authors will serve as manuscript reviewers, though the editors reserve the right to circulate manuscripts to external reviewers not serving as project authors. Final chapter revisions are due by March 15, 2019. All work must be original and not previously published elsewhere. Manuscripts should be approximately 23-25 pages in length (excluding title page, abstract, tables, figure, references, appendix).
Please direct any questions regarding the book project, submissions, or review process to Jihyun Kim at
Each contributor to the work will receive one electronic copy of the work without charge.
Thank you for your interest in this project and we look forward to seeing your work.
Jihyun Kim, Ph.D., University of Central Florida, U.S.A.
Hayeon Song, Ph.D., Gachon University, South Korea
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