Call: ACM UMAP Workshop on Intelligent User-adapted and Context-aware Applications and User Interfaces (IUadapt 2018)

Call for Papers

ACM UMAP Workshop on Intelligent User-adapted and Context-aware Applications and User Interfaces (IUadapt 2018)
in conjunction with the 26th ACM Conference on User Modelling, Adaptation and Personalization – UMAP 2018 (
July 8-11, 2018, Singapore

Workshop website:


Paper Submission: 20 April 2018 (23:59 AoE – Anywhere on Earth)
Notification to authors: 15 May 2018
Camera-ready version due: 27 May 2018


The evolution of social semantic environments and content personalization, along with the adoption of context-aware techniques, the spread of handheld devices together with always connected IoTs, and of cloud computing are deeply changing the way people are using the Web and digital devices for a variety of purposes. This change is also pushing application providers to offer a new wave of services and calls for intelligent user interfaces to support users in their interactions. Users want to freely access content as they choose, anytime and anywhere, according to their personal goals, preferences or special needs. Henceforth, they require:

ubiquitous applications that can be provided as a service and can be used on any mobile device, with no need for installation or software updates; proactive user interfaces that track their progress (e.g., fitness, learning, etc), adapt to their needs and prompt them without being disruptive or inconvenient and provide analytics and predictive instruments; smart and personalized information services to explore, search, interact, share, practice, and discover qualitative content that fit their diverse and changing needs.

All of these applications require a deep understanding of content, users, devices and situations where interaction happens. Semantics covers a significant role toward these goals. Smart applications aim to address needs and requirements of 21st century systems, including context-aware, ubiquitous, mobile, adaptation and personalization, along with other new technologies and methods related with natural user interfaces, augmented reality, serious games for education and training.

The objective of the Intelligent User-adapted and Context-aware Applications and User Interfaces workshop is to bring together experts and practitioners of user modeling, adaptive systems, recommenders and artificial intelligence together with domain experts, intelligent user interfaces and ubiquitous computing researchers, in order to shape the next generation of ubiquitous, smart and adaptive application services.


We invite submissions that may include the following topics, but are not limited to:

  • Context-aware recommender systems
  • Intelligent context-aware user interface
  • Context-aware social applications
  • Natural User Interfaces for pervasive computing
  • Design and experiments of intelligent user interfaces
  • Linked-data enhanced user-adapted applications
  • Semantically-enhanced cloud services
  • Ubiquitous, social and smart learning environments
  • Context-aware adaptive and personalized mobile learning
  • Different use case applications of intelligent user interfaces and adaptive services


The workshop will consist of a part of accepted papers presentation and a part of discussion among participants. At least one of the authors should register and take part at the workshop to make the presentation.


Accepted papers will appear in the Proceedings of the UMAP conference that will be published in the ACM Digital Library.

We encourage the submission of original contributions that investigate and study adaptive applications and intelligent user interfaces:

  • Full research papers (max 8 pp. in PDF);
  • Short papers (4 pp. in PDF) for position papers and research-in-progress papers.

All submissions must be written in English and contain author names, affiliations, and email addresses.

Submissions should follow the standard SigCHI format (Microsoft Word and LaTeX templates are available) and submitted via EasyChair (


Ilknur Celik, Cyprus International University, Cyprus
Frosina Koceva, University of Genoa, IT
Ilaria Torre, University of Genoa, IT


Web page:


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