Call: “Groups in Human-Agent Interaction” – Journal of Interaction Studies special issue

Call for Papers

Special Issue of Journal of Interaction Studies:
Groups in Human-Agent Interaction

Submissions due: 1 May 18

As robots and artificial agents become more prominent in human lives, they also increasingly become parts of groups and teams. Group interaction of humans and agents include applications as diverse as: a digital assistant for the home, a social robot operating in a mall, a group of robots and artificial agents supporting first responders. Research on group interactions between multiple humans, artificial agents and robots is important and poses novel challenges as compared to studying dyadic interaction. However, most research on human-agent interaction still focuses on one human interacting with one agent.

This special issue of Interaction Studies aims to bring together conversation on these topics will be critical as robots increasingly become a part of our society. The issue extends topics addressed at Groups in Human-Robot Interaction at RO-MAN 2016 and 2017, Robots in Groups and Teams at CSCW 2017, and Human-Agent Groups at the AAAI Fall 2017 Symposium. The special issue will be organized around three central questions: (1) How do robots/agents shape the dynamics of groups and teams in existing settings? (2) How does an agent’s behavior shape how humans interact with each other in dyads and in larger groups and teams? (3) How can agents improve the performance of work groups and teams by acting on social processes?

Indicative topics/areas:

Topics of interest include but are not limited to research, design, and practitioner perspectives on:

  • multi-agent systems, robotics, autonomous agents
  • cognitive science, psychology, human factors engineering, human-robot interaction, human-computer interaction,
  • technology design, and applications involving human-agent groups.

Important Dates:

1 May 18: Deadline for submissions

Submission Information:

All submissions should be done using the journal’s Editorial Manager ( Authors should select the Special Issue at the time of submission.

Author Guidelines:

The average length of journal of Interaction Studies articles is 8000 words, but articles may be longer or shorter depending on the space needed to present a cohesive and well-evidenced argument. For detailed guidelines on formatting and other requirements, see:

Guest Editors:

Selma Sabanovic, Indiana U,
Friederike Eyssel, Bielefeld U,
Malte Jung, Cornell U,
Ana Paiva, Technical U of Lisbon,


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