Call for papers
ECCE 2018 – European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics
Theme: Modeling, simulation, and games
4-7 September 2018, Utrecht, The Netherlands
- February 15, 2018, 5 pm (CET): Deadline submission long and short papers, including workshop proposals, doctoral consortium papers, posters and demonstrations.
- May 2, 2018: Reviews of submissions are sent
- June 15, 2018, 5 pm (CET): Camera-ready version of accepted contributions
- July 16, 2018, 5 pm (CET): Early registration deadline
- September 4, 2018: ECCE 2018 Doctoral Consortium and Workshops
- September 5-7, 2018: ECCE 2018 Main conference
ECCE 2018 is the 30st annual conference of the European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics (EACE). This leading conference in human-media interaction and cognitive engineering provides an opportunity for both researchers and practitioners to exchange new ideas and practical experiences from a variety of domains. This year’s special theme is modeling, simulation, and games. Topics will include, but are not limited to, the following topics:
- Motivational/emotional aspects of human interaction with IT artefacts
- Design methods, tools, and methodologies for supporting cognitive tasks
- Human-technology interaction in the Internet of Things era
- Cognitive task analysis and modelling
- Methods and tools for studying cognitive tasks
- Development of usability evaluation methods
- Decision aiding, information presentation and visualization
- Human Factors and simulation
- Usability and User Experience evaluation methods (e.g., in games)
- Collaboration in end-users and design teams
We invite long (8 pages) and short (4 pages) papers, including demo and poster submissions, and doctoral consortium applications. We also welcome proposals for panel sessions and workshops.
All accepted papers will be published in the ACM conference proceedings, deposited in the ACM digital library, the most comprehensive collection of full-text articles and bibliographic records covering the fields of computing and information technology. All submissions should be made through the Easy Chair Reviewing System.
Selected long papers, will be invited to submit an extended, improved version to the journal Behaviour & Information Technology (BIT) (ISI-impact factor: 1.388).
All submissions should be written in USA English and authors should anonymize their papers. All submissions fulfilling the submission requirements will be peer-reviewed, and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, which will be made available in the ACM digital library, the most comprehensive collection of full-text articles and bibliographic records covering the fields of computing and information technology.
Long and Short Papers:
Submissions must follow the ACM SIGCHI Conference Publications proceedings format for papers. Microsoft Word templates for both Windows and Mac are available as well as LaTeX templates. For additional, detailed formatting instructions, as well as more sample documents we refer to the ACM SIGCHI Publications template.
All submissions should be made through the EasyChair Reviewing System. Please note that you must select the submission type, before doing your submission in order for it to be processed accordingly.
The size of long papers can be maximally 8 pages, including all sections, references, and possible appendices. The size of short, poster, demonstrator, and doctoral consortium papers can be maximally 4 pages, including all sections, references, and possible appendices. The papers should be submitted to EasyChair in PDF-format.
Special issue in, the leading journal, Behaviour & Information Technology (BIT)
The authors of the best 4 or 5 long papers will be invited to transform their paper into a paper suited for the BIT journal. At the same time these authors are also asked:
- To transform their long paper into a short paper appropriate to the ECCE proceedings and the ACM Digital Library (next to their paper to be included in the SI of BIT).
- In doing so, to take care that the overlap between the short paper and the BIT paper is as minimal as possible.
The submission deadline is February 15, 2018, 5 PM (CET)
Posters & Demonstrations:
Poster/demonstration submissions should be made through the EasyChair Reviewing System. Please note that you must select the submission type before doing your submission in order for it to be processed accordingly. Submissions via EasyChair must be in PDF format.The poster and demonstration sessions aim to show work in a setting, which facilitates open discussion. These sessions are suitable for authors who wish to present and demonstrate their work, smaller projects, systems or prototypes in a more interactive and informal setting during ECCE 2018. Poster and demonstration papers are short papers and, hence, should not exceed 4 pages, explaining the work to be presented, how it will be presented, and the relevance of the presentation to conference attendees. If there are any particular requirements for the demonstration (e.g. size of equipment, power, networking etc.) please also email the technology chair (Chris Ferguson). Poster and demonstration submission deadline: February 15, 2018, 5 PM (CET).
Workshop Submissions:
We strongly encourage researchers to suggest topics for the workshops taking place on the 4th of September. The suggested topics should be related to the themes mentioned above (at least to some extent) and sent to the program chairs. For the Workshops both long (8 page) and short (4 page) submissions are invited. The submission deadline is February 15, 2018, 5 PM (CET)
Submissions to the Doctoral Consortium
We encourage PhD students to submit to the doctoral consortium taking place on the 4th of September. Both long (8 page) and short (4 page) submissions are invited. The submission deadline is February 15, 2018 5 PM (CET). As soon as a student submits to the consortium, they are eligible to apply for a limited number of scholarships covering the conference registration fee. The application is sent to the DC coordinator.
Gary Marsden Student Development Fund:
SIGCHI student members (or interested in becoming members) who are postgraduate students from, and currently based in, developing countries are eligible to apply to the SIGCHI Gary Marsden Student Development Fund (that may cover a maximum of $2500 USD, including travel (economy class flight tickets, ground transportation), accommodation (student housing if available), and meals during the conference can be covered by reimbursement), if they have an accepted contribution, or are accepted as doctoral consortium student, or volunteering of any kind (such as student volunteer) for the conference.
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