Call for Papers
Fourth IEEE VR International Workshop on 3D Collaborative Virtual Environments
at IEEE Virtual Reality 2018
Reutlingen, Germany
Sunday March 18 or Monday March 19, 2018
Submission deadline: January 22, 2018 (Abstract submission deadline: January 15, 2018)
Emerging technologies for multi-user 3D interaction in immersive virtual environments promise novel opportunities collocated and remote collaboration, but their development also implies new challenges. Collaborative 3D virtual environments must foster mutual awareness among participants and should support their coordinated cooperative action. This requires further research on suitable hardware setups, software architectures, and interaction techniques. Not least, the usability evaluation of collaborative systems is inherently more complex and can thus benefit from the development of novel appropriate methods.
We invite submissions that address theoretical, technical, and practical topics that are related to collaboration in 3D virtual environments, including but not limited to:
- Immersive collaborative virtual reality
- Multi-user 3D interaction techniques
- Social behaviour in collaborative virtual reality
- Interaction metaphors for collaborative virtual environments
- Mutual awareness among users / workspace awareness
- Asymmetric collaboration (e.g., 2D / 3D or immersive / non immersive)
- Software architectures and frameworks for 3D CVE development and deployment
We solicit research papers, technotes, state of the art and position papers within the scope of 3D CVEs.
- Research Papers (up to 8 pages) should describe original research results or original collaborative systems or frameworks
- Technotes (up to 4 pages) should contain unpublished preliminary results of research, application, design or system work
- State of the art reports (up to 8 pages) should provide surveys on one of the topics of this workshop
- Position Papers (up to 6 pages) should present interesting and possibly controversial points of view on one of the topics of this workshop
- Short Position Papers / Research extended abstract (up to 2 pages) should present points of view or ongoing research (work in progress) on one of the topics of this workshop
Submitted papers will be evaluated through a double blind reviewing process of the submissions by the PC committee members and external reviewers. The symposium proceedings will consist of all accepted papers and will be submitted to the IEEE Digital Library. Blind submissions should be made through the Easychair system:
If you have any question about this workshop, you can send an email to thierry.duval “at”
- Abstract submission deadline: January 15, 2018
- Paper submission deadline: January 22, 2018
- Notification of acceptance: February 10, 2018
- Camera-ready: March 7, 2018
- Date of the event: Sunday March 18, 2018, or Monday March 19, 2018
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