Call: Movement: Brain, Body, Cognition – International Conference


Movement: Brain, Body, Cognition
27 – 29 July 2018

Deadline for submission of abstracts: November 30, 2017

Dear colleagues,

We have the distinct pleasure to invite you to the 2018 world conference on Movement and Cognition to be held at Harvard University’s School of Medicine 27-29 July 2018 in Boston.

Among the other institutions involved in this event include the Harvard University School of Medicine’s affiliated hospitals Spaulding Rehabilitation, McLean, and Beth Israel-Deaconess, as well as the Computational Neurosciences Laboratory at the Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Oxford and the Synthetic Intelligence Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute for Technology, the School of Medicine of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance,  the School of Health Sciences of University of Haifa, the Wingate Institute for Sports and Exercise Science, the National Institute for Brain and Rehabilitation Sciences, Nazareth, Israel, the Institute for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Havana and the University of the Medical Sciences Facultad ‘Manuel Fajardo’ Havana and the School of Public Health of the University of Havana, Cuba and Bielefeld University in Germany.

The purpose of the conference is to share knowledge of all those whose interests lie in the nature of human movement and its relation to cognitive function.

You are welcome to join us in the conference, and if you wish (not obligatory) you can also propose an abstract for symposium, or oral presentation, for a workshop or a poster.

Please submit your abstracts to the attention of the scientific committee at: The abstracts of the conference will be published in the Conference Proceedings as well as selected papers published in volume 8 of the journal Functional Neurology, Rehabilitation, and Ergonomics.

The format for abstracts is available on the website:

Among the broad topic areas in this call for abstracts include scientific explorations of Cognitive-Movement applications in: rehabilitation, sports, human development, gerontology, genetics/genomics, technologies and measurement, science of aesthetics, behavioral and communication sciences, occupational and physical therapy, and biomedical engineering.

We welcome your participation in this event that addresses the relationship between movement and cognition and I personally welcome your enquiries and suggestions. In the meantime, please check out our website for more details.

Should you have any questions about the nature and form of the abstracts or pertaining to the larger papers, please feel free to connect with me at:   Should you have questions with relation to the organization of the conference including special needs, accommodation, travel etc. please get in contact with the conference organizers at:

We hope to meet you at Harvard University in July 2018.

Wish very best wishes,

Gerry Leisman
Chair, Scientific Committee
Professor, Neuro- and Rehabilitation Sciences
University of Haifa School of Health Sciences
Director, The National Institute of Brain & Rehabilitation Sciences, Nazareth, Israel
Profesor Neurológica Restaurativa
Universidad de Ciencias Medicas de la Habana, Cuba

León Morales-Quezada
Co-Chair, Scientific Committee
Assoc. Director Neuromodulation Center
Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital
Integrative Medicine Research Fellow
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Harvard University School of Medicine


Motor-Cognitive Interactions in Rehabilitation Science
Reintegration of Movement and Cognition after injury, functional neurosurgery, DBS, lesions, Movement disorders and cognitive disabilities; Rehabilitation methods and results; Movement and Neuroplasticity, Functional Connections and Disconnections, Applications in Movement Disorders. BDNF and learning.

Instrumentation and Technology in Movement-Cognitive Interaction and Measurement
Plasticity of the sensorimotor systems. neuromodulation to facilitate motor learning. Skill transfer, from robotic assisted therapy to functional recovery. Transfer of training. Low energy laser applications, neurofeedback, direct vagus nerve stimulation, DBS, EEG, qEEG, kinesiological measurement, the measurement of motor learning and brain region reorganization, TMS, fMRI, DTI to study the sensorimotor motor-cognitive networks. Computational models of action selection and motor learning.

Evolution of Movement as the Basis of Cognition
Motor origins of language and memory. Role of bipedalism in human cognition. From sensorimotor integration to cognitive development. Timing, the critical component to motor binding and ultimately cognitive binding, Primitive reflexes, postural reflexes, socialization and cognition.  Primitive reflexes are remnants of phylogenetic movement patterns and are critical to cognitive development. Synchronization, coordination and integration of networks are directly related to motor development and synchronized movement, functional and anatomical architecture of motor action.

Cognitive-Motor Interactions in Human Development
Fetal movement and learning and imitation, maintenance of primitive reflexes and cognitive function, development of movement synergies and cognitive interaction, learning and movement, Movement development, Neuroeducation in the schools,

Motor-Cognitive Interaction in Sport
Robotics simulation of motor action. Coaching of motor tasks in Augmented (Virtual) Reality. Architecture of motor action. Motor expertise and the optimization of the elite athlete. Sport-movement and learning enhancement.

Genetics/Omics (genomics etc.) in Movement and Cognition
Genetics and epigenetics of ADD/ADHD and autism in movement and cognitive application, developmental coordination disorders

Environmental Influences on Cognitive Motor Function
Functional neurology, functional immunology, functional foods, external influences on motor and cognitive function, environmental toxins.

Movement in Social Engagement
From timing to synchronization to socialization; Embodiment and empathy; the science of dance and implications for learning, rehabilitation, social engagement, entrainment theories, dance, music and art therapies as brain network facilitation mechanisms.


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