Call for Abstracts
Budapest Workshop on Philosophy of Technology 2017
Theme of the Workshop:
Epistemology, Ontology and the Philosophy of Technology
Dates: 1-2 December 2017
Venue: 1132 Budapest, Victor Hugo 18-22, Room 5002.
Submission deadline: 2 October 2017
The first Budapest Workshop on the Philosophy of Technology will seek to explore epistemology and ontology in the Philosophy of Technology. Abstracts are welcome in the following areas:
- Tacit knowledge and engineering
- Ontology of technological artefacts
- Ontological status of artificial agents
- Knowing artefacts
- Virtuality – new realities created by technology
- Engineering epistemology
… and in any other related topics.
The expected length of the abstract is about one page. The language of the workshop is English.
Deadline for abstract submission: 2 October 2017. 23:59 UTC.
Notification of acceptance/rejection: 18 October 2017. 23:59 UTC.
The workshop is free of any charges.
Enquiries and submissions should be sent to:
A peer-reviewed proceedings volume will be compiled from the topics presented at the Workshop. The deadline for submission will be after the workshop so that feedback can be incorporated into the paper.
All presenters are encouraged to submit a full paper, but it is not mandatory. If the presenter does not submit a full paper, only the abstract will be published in the proceedings.
Full paper rules:
- Deadline for submission: 19 January 2018.
- The minimum length of the paper is 17500 characters, or about 7 pages.
- All submitted full papers will be peer-reviewed. Presentation at the Workshop does not automatically grant publication.
- Your paper, your way: there are no style guidelines except that the paper should meet general academic requirements, including an appropriate number of accurate references and clear reasoning in English. The proceedings volume will be created with LaTeX. If you know LaTeX, you are welcome to use the CEUR-WS “paper1p” style so that your paper will be in the final style right away. Otherwise, your paper will be converted to LaTeX by the committee and that might require a moderate level of cooperation on your part.
Dr. Mihály Héder
Associate professor
Department of Philosophy and History of Science
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Member of the Society for Philosophy and Technology
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Institute for Computer Science and Control of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
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