Call: Chapters for “Cases on Immersive Virtual Reality Techniques”

Call for Book Chapters:
Cases on Immersive Virtual Reality Techniques
To be published by IGI Global

Proposal Submission Deadline: June 30, 2017

Currently, we’re in the early stages of editing “Cases on Immersive Virtual Reality Techniques” to be published by IGI Global ( scheduled for release in April/May 2018. In order to strengthen the overall quality of this important publication, we’re looking for possible proposals, reviewers, and the editorial advisers for this valuable reference. Hence, I would like to invite experts from both industry and academia. If this invitation is agreeable to you and does not conflict with your current professional and research interests or if you have any questions regarding this matter please let us know.

About the book

As virtual reality approaches mainstream consumer use, this has resulted in a revived intrigue in the research and innovation in the area. This vibrant development ecosystem has led to breakthroughs in sound, perception and visual-processing that have taken virtual reality to new dimensions. This book aims to meet the challenge of providing practitioners, researchers and institutions with discussions and examples on how to adopt these new methods and applications. The aim is to reach into research trends that are appearing, in order to show innovations and results that can be used to inspire and invigorate the virtual reality community. The topics covered in this book seek to cover new practices at all levels and modalities in immersive virtual reality, instigating readers to assimilate proposals that have been implemented and to replicate this knowledge in their institutions and researchers worldwide.

Objective of the book

While Virtual Reality has been around for decades it has only recently started to gain momentum due to advancements in technologies – leading to a multitude of breakthroughs in research and innovation that have had a major impact on how we view and use virtual reality. Hence, this comprehensive and timely publication provides an essential reference source, disseminating knowledge on the available literature in the field of Virtual Reality, with the objective of showing applications in this area integrated with immersive techniques and affective theories and computer resources that are being used to support Virtual Reality methods.

The most up-to-date information will be online:

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Affective aspects involved in digital educational games
  • 3D virtual laboratories and simulations for education
  • Methods of evaluation and assessment in digital Game-Based Learning
  • Usability for digital educational games and immersive environments
  • Affective virtual reality and interaction
  • Virtual reality in games
  • Virtual reality and cognitive impact
  • Virtual reality audio control and influences
  • Virtual reality and multimodal interaction
  • Gesture, touch and haptics
  • Healthcare, assistive technologies
  • Virtual world human communication and dynamics
  • Human-virtual user/agent interaction
  • Interaction with smart environment
  • Machine learning for multimodal interaction
  • Mobile multimodal systems
  • Virtual reality behavior generation
  • Virtual reality datasets and validation
  • Virtual reality dialogue modeling
  • Virtual reality fusion and representation
  • Virtual reality interactive applications
  • Speech behaviors in social interaction
  • System components and virtual reality platforms
  • Visual behaviors in social interaction
  • Virtual/augmented reality and multimodal interaction
  • Virtual reality games in education
  • Gamified immersive environments and virtual worlds
  • Virtual reality applied to Game-Based Learning

Important Dates

June 30, 2017: Proposal Submission Deadline
August 30, 2017: Notification of Acceptance
October 30, 2017: Full Chapter Submission
December 15, 2017: Review Results Returned
February 5, 2018: Final Chapter Submission
February 15, 2018: Final Deadline

Publication will be of interest to

  • Instructors teaching virtual reality, immersive technologies or game curricula
  • Educational researchers with an interest in using virtual reality to support visual learning
  • Virtual reality researchers seeking to apply educational principles in new applications and devices
  • Serious game researchers interested in the interplay between learning a clinical skill and learning an educational concept

Guest Editors

Ben Kenwright
School of Media Arts and Technology,
Southampton Solent University,
Southampton, SO14 0YN

Neil Brewis
School of Media Arts and Technology,
Southampton Solent University,
Southampton, SO14 0YN

James Terkeurst
School of Media Arts and Technology,
Southampton Solent University,
Southampton, SO14 0YN


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