Call for Papers
Design for Affective Intelligence (DfAI) Workshop
co-located with ACII2017 (International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction)
San Antonio, Texas
October 23-26, 2017
Workshop date: October 23 or 26, 2017 (TBA)
Submission Deadline: June 15, 2017
Intelligent and Affective systems are set to transform the way we live and experience the world. While many intelligent systems already benefits us through scripted automation and transactions, the need for assistive, unscripted, autonomous systems capable of dealing with growing and aging populations is on the increase. The active role that AI systems are asked to play in people’s life poses many challenges – challenges that increase further when intelligent systems include affective components. The design and development of affective and intelligent systems face massive dilemmas related to the fundamentals of human and social behavior. In addition to many unaddressed (social, behavioral, decisional and moral) questions, many tensions exist among the disciplines that shape how these systems will become part of everyday life. The Design for Affective Intelligence (DfAI) workshop – co-located with ACII2017 (International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction) in San Antonio, Texas on October 23-26, 2017 – focuses on producing, discussing and building on relevant scholarly work to develop a richer understanding of human-centric approaches, tools and guidelines that should ground the design of intelligent and affective systems. Through DfAI participants will advance the field through scholarly articles and generate deep multidisciplinary insights that will be published digitally after ACII2017. DfAI is open to diverse verticals and applications domains and insights related to smart spaces are particularly encouraged.
- Usages, verticals and applications that affective and intelligent systems should (and shouldn’t) focus on
- Level of autonomy and agency that affective and intelligent system should (and shouldn’t) have
- Interaction and interface design approaches, best known methods, guidelines, etc. for affective and intelligent systems
- Level of transparency that affective and intelligent systems provide to end users
- Human-centric ways to develop technologically advanced affective & intelligent systems with sustainable business models
- Methods to design affective and intelligent systems that are unobtrusive, effective, accurate, respectful, intuitive and transparent, hence more likely to be embraced (vs rejected) by end users
- Social and behavioral contracts that should underpin human-machine interaction within affective and intelligent systems
- Ethical considerations that should drive the developer community when making technical and design decisions
- Attributes of affective and intelligent system that enable a personal attachment
Submission Deadline: June 15, 2017
Notification Due by: July 21, 2017
Camera Ready Due: August 18, 2017
Workshop date: October 23 or 26, 2017 (TBA)
ACII2017: October 23-26, 2017
Workshop Proceedings will be submitted for inclusion to IEEE Xplore. The DfAI workshop solicits original and unpublished papers to (1) discuss and reflect on the cultural, ethical, social implications surrounding the design, development and deployment of affective and intelligent system, and/or (2) explore approaches, tools and guidelines that should ground the design of intelligent and affective systems. Submissions can be send to workshop [dot] DfAI [at] gmail [dot] com. If the submission size exceeds 10MB, please make it available for download. Papers should not exceed 6 pages in length in PDF format, and should conform to the IEEE publication guidelines. For templates and examples, refer to:
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