Call for Papers
Workshop on Conversational Interruptions in Human-Agent Interactions (CIHAI)
Intelligent Virtual Agents conference 2017 (IVA2017)
27 August
Stockholm, Sweden
This workshop is a part of the International Conference on Intelligent Virtual agents ( The workshop will take place on the day before the main conference (27th of August 2017).
02 June 2017: Full paper submission deadline
17 July 2017: Authors notification
28 July 2017: Camera-ready deadline
28 July 2017: Demo 1-page description submission deadline
Same as IVA: Early registration deadline
Same as IVA: Registration deadline
27 August 2017: Full day workshop
This workshop will be held at IVA 2017 in Stockholm on August, 27th. The aim is to bring together researchers from a variety of fields interested in the study of conversational interruptions in multimodal human-human, human-agent (both virtual and robotic) or agent-agent interactions. Our aim is to address current challenges in this area (as well as identifying new ones) and to set a research agenda to make IVAs capable of believably react and adapt to unexpected situations such as conversational interruptions.
- Challenges and approaches for real-time agent’s interruption handling;
- Expression and synthesis of agent’s multimodal reactions to interruptions;
- Agent management of user’s interruptions;
- Methods and techniques for modeling agents that interrupt users;
- Evaluation techniques in dyadic/group interactions and impact on user’s perception.
In this one day workshop, authors of accepted papers will present their work during the morning. In the afternoon we will break out in small groups and participate in an interactive demo session offered by participants. The workshop will terminate with a final discussion panel.
We invite two types of submissions:
1) Full papers: will be reviewed and selected based on relevance, originality and theoretical and/or technical quality. Accepted submissions will be presented (orally) at the workshop (15 minutes + 5 minutes of Q&A). At least one author will be required to register and attend the workshop. Papers must be formatted according to the requirements for Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), anonymized, and submitted in PDF format (guidelines and templates on the main IVA 2017 conference website). Accepted full paper contributions will be published in the online CEUR Workshop Proceedings (
2) Demos: Participants (regardless of the paper acceptance) have the opportunity to showcase their work and obtain general feedback from the workshop’s attendees. The goal of the demos is to provide attendees with a more tangible experience of the issues under discussion. Prospective presenters must submit a single PDF page including: title, author(s), short description (5 lines max.) and a screenshot of the work to be presented. The demo description will not be peer reviewed and will not be published in the workshop proceedings.
All submissions type should be sent into via e-mail to:
Angelo Cafaro (CNRS-ISIR, Pierre and Marie Curie University, France)
Blaise Potard (Cereproc LTD, UK)
Eduardo Coutinho (ICL and University of Liverpool, UK)
Patrick Gebhard (DFKI, Germany)
Angelo Cafaro:
Blaise Potard:
Eduardo Coutinho:
Patrick Gebhard:
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