Call: Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) 2017 Workshop – People, Personal Data and the Built Environment

Call for Participation

Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) 2017 Workshop – People, Personal Data and the Built Environment
Edinburgh, Scotland
Saturday 10th June

Submission deadline: 27th April

Holger Schnädelbach (University of Nottingham)
David Kirk (Northumbria University)
Nick Dalton (Northumbria University)
Nils Jäger (University of Nottingham)
Elizabeth Churchill (Google)
Sara Nabil (Newcastle University)

Personal data is increasingly important in our lives. We use personal data to quantify our behaviour, through health apps or for ‘personal branding’ and we are also increasingly forced to part with our data to access services.

With a proliferation of embedded sensors, the built environment is playing a key role in this developing use of data, even though this remains relatively hidden. Buildings are sites for the capture of personal data, such as oyster card gateways or WIFI hotspots. This data is used to adapt buildings to people’s behaviour, for example when a card reader opens a door or occupancy changes the light levels in a building. Increasingly, organisations use this data to understand how buildings are occupied and how communities develop, and data supports design processes, when architects record requirements of their clients, and encode this in Building Information Models (BIM).

This workshop will bring together a community of researchers and practitioners interested in personal informatics and the design of interactive buildings and spaces.  With an aim to foster critical discussion on the future role of personal data in interactions with the built environment.

Invited position papers might reflect upon the following (non-exclusive) topics:

  • Internet of Things
  • Quantified self
  • Adaptive Environments
  • Technological retrofitting existing buildings
  • Social Computing in the community
  • Autonomous vehicles
  • Smart services in the built environment
  • Shared digital and physical resources
  • Living and working in the digital age
  • Legible and accessible uses of personal data
  • Privacy in a shared spatial context
  • Design processes and BIM
  • Open Data Access
  • Community live and digital technology

Participation is encouraged from researchers in HCI, architecture, pervasive computing, urban design the social sciences and beyond. Participants should submit a two-to-six page position paper in ACM CHI Extended Abstract Format to by 27 April 2017.

These will be peer reviewed by an interdisciplinary review-committee. At least one author of each accepted position paper must attend the workshop and all participants must register for both the workshop and for at least one day of the conference. The workshop will produce a compendium of work from participants, including group generated analysis and prototyping, and an edited volume presenting the results aimed to be included in the Springer Series of Adaptive Environments.


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