Call: Robots for Learning – Special issue of International Journal of Social Robotics

Call for Papers

International Journal of Social Robotics (SORO), Springer
Special Issue on Robots for Learning

Guest Editors:
Wafa Johal, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Ginevra Castellano, Uppsala University, Sweden
Sandra Okita, Teachers College, Columbia University, United States
Fumihide Tanaka, University of Tsukuba

Contact: wafa.johal<at>, ginevra.castellano<at>, okita<at> and tanaka<at>

You can download the CfP at:


Submission of Manuscripts (deadline): 15-March-17 (extended deadline)
Notification of Acceptance: 15-July-17
Submission of Final Paper: 15-October-17
Final Acceptance: 15-November-17
Publication: 01-January-18


Research in Human-Robot interaction is being vastly applied to assist humans in their everyday lives. Pertaining to this context is the application of robots for educational purposes, which has been emerging these past few years. Some robotic platforms have been developed for educational purposes (i.e. Thymio, Lego Mindstorm).  These platforms are mainly used in STEM. Several research projects have aimed to apply social HRI to education and learning in order to influence other disciplines such as languages or handwriting.

Robots have started to show a real potential as learning or teaching assistants for children, the elderly or people with deficiencies. They even show potential for individual adaptation for learning. Robots also have the potential to enhance learning via kinesthetic interaction. Social robots have shown that they can enable users to improve their self-esteem and to provide adaptive empathic feedback. Robots have been shown to engage the learner; to motivate him/her in the learning task or to enhance collaboration in a group. However, designing autonomous robotics agents able to adapt to learners and to teachers is a challenging research topic. The integration of robots in curricula for teaching other topics than STEM is in its infancy.

To address these challenges, researchers need often to take a multidisciplinary approach including contributions from educational sciences & didactic, pedagogy, developmental psychology, artificial intelligence and HRI, among others.

With this special issue we aim at collecting an overview on empirical as well as theoretical state-of-the-art research contributions on human-robot interaction in educational contexts. Therefore, the International Journal of Social Robotics (SORO) invites researchers from a wide range of disciplines, such as educational sciences and robotics, cognitive sciences and psychology, sociology, and philosophy etc. to submit to the Special Issue.


  • Adaptive mechanisms for robot tutors, personalization and adaptation algorithms for tutoring interactions
  • Theories and methods for tutoring (pedagogical and  language acquisition)
  • Engagement in educational human-robot interaction
  • Gain in learning vs fun in learning with a robot
  • Kinesthetic and non-verbal communication in human-robot interaction
  • Attachment and learning with a social robot (social and cognitive development)
  • Impact of embodiment on learning
  • Shared knowledge and knowledge modelling in HRI
  • Technical innovation in learning or teaching robots
  • Long term learning interactions, design and methodologies for repeated human-robot encounters
  • Human-robot collaborative learning
  • Human-robot creativity
  • Design of autonomous systems for tutoring interactions
  • Privacy and ethical issues in robot tutoring applications

For more information and updates, please visit:

Submission On-Line (10-14 pages including references):

SORO considers also accompanying multimedia material.

Description of the Journal, Aims and Scope, Authors’ information:

Please submit the journal manuscripts by 15 March 2017.

The Editorial Board is committed to speedy review, fast publication, and high scientific impact.


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