Call for Submissions
2017 Australasian Simulation Congress (ASC)
Monday 28 August – Thursday 31 August 2017
International Convention Centre, Sydney, Australia
Online submissions close: Wednesday 22 March 2017
The Organising Committee is pleased to announce the Call for Submissions for the 2nd Annual Australasian Simulation Congress (ASC), hosted by Simulation Australasia (SimAust), the national body for those working in simulation throughout Australasia.
The ASC will once again bring together the SimHealth, SimTecT and Serious Games streams, along with opportunities for a number of joint sessions of mutual interest.
The 2017 Australasian Simulation Congress will explore the theme of People Energising Innovation.
At its heart, every application of simulation is ultimately about people – whether it is enabling individuals or teams to achieve peak performance, or solving problems in infrastructure that will improve the lives of millions of people. As a simulation community, we need to ensure we understand the impact of what we do on the people that interact with, or are affected by, our simulations.
We invite you to share how your simulation-based initiatives are impacting on how we operate as a simulation community, and the improved outcomes for the people who make use of your work. We would like to hear of innovations in your work in simulation, using simulation in new and innovative ways, or using new tools, techniques or technologies to extend or improve the impact of simulation.
In addition, this year we also want to be immersed in the work being undertaken focusing on sustainability of simulation-based education and research, certification and accreditation processes and quality initiatives as these will drive our profession moving forward.
Contributions are invited that advance the theory or practice of any aspect of the following topics:
- Educational Developments (curriculum and techniques)
- Technology and Technical Innovation
- Modelling and Decision Support Systems
- Certification/Accreditation, Policy and Quality Initiatives
- Human Dimensions in Simulation
- Engineering and Industrial Applications
- Creative and Cultural Applications
- Economic, Environmental and Resource Applications
- Innovations and Emerging Trends
- Serious Games & Gaming Concepts
Join us in Sydney in August 2017 to share, inform, experience and explore simulation in research, education, health, defence, resources and many other sectors.
ASC 2017 Key Dates:
Online submissions open – Late January 2017
Online submissions close – Wednesday 22 March 2017
Notification of abstract review – Late April 2017
Paper deadline for accepted abstracts – Friday 30 June 2017
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