Call: British HCI 2017

Call for Papers

British HCI 2017
3-6 July, 2017
University of Sunderland’s St. Peter’s Campus

Full and short papers deadline: March 8, 2017

The 31st British Human Computer Interaction Conference will be held from the 3rd to the 6th of July, 2017, at the University of Sunderland’s St. Peter’s Campus. The conference is organised by the HCI research groups at the University of Sunderland and Edinburgh Napier University in conjunction with the Interaction Specialist Group of the British Computer Society.

The BCS HCI 2017 conference theme is Digital Make-Believe. Make-believe refers to our expansive, “what-if” thinking, ubiquitous in HCI. For example, we make-believe when we design innovative technology, we make-believe when immersing ourselves in a computer game or virtual world and we make-believe when evaluating and refining new technology by imagining ourselves using it.

At HCI 2017 ( we want to engage researchers, practitioners, creative businesses, makers, artists and developers in exploring, inspiring, creating and evaluating digital make-believe in topic areas both within and outside HCI. We want to engage and inspire the next generation, with a discount rate student track for undergraduates, masters & doctoral students.

We are calling for submissions from all areas of HCI and particularly encourage submissions on digital make believe from philosophy to practice to research, including:

  • Full papers – 10-page papers reporting completed work making a direct contribution to HCI.
  • Short papers – 4-page papers reporting on work-in-progress or smaller studies providing insights for HCI.
  • Notes & Position Papers – 2-pages sharing exciting research, practice and emerging, provocative or critical work in HCI, with submissions particularly requested from colleagues in the creative and software sectors.
  • Interactions Gallery – Artworks, installations, demonstrations and performances to be presented at the conference inspired by the conference theme of digital make-believe. The Interactions Gallery will be curated by the Curatorial Resource for Upstart Media Bliss (CRUMB), with a subsidised rate for exhibitors.
  • Proposals for Workshops, Panels, Co-creation Sessions on any theme related to HCI. There will be an award for the most engaging session.


March 8th 2017: Full and short papers
April 5th 2017: Notes & Position Papers, Interactions Gallery, Proposals for Workshops & Sessions
April 19th 2017: Student submissions

Further information at:


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