Call for Participation
Next Generation Human-Agent Interaction Workshop (NGHAI Workshop)
To be Held in conjunction with the 4th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI 2016)
October 4, 2016, Singapore
Submission Deadline (2-4 pages): July 8, 2016
NGHAI is the workshop, held in conjunction with the International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (, for next generation researchers (young researchers, students, and newcomers) in Human-Agent Interaction field. It aims to provide the opportunity for the next generation researchers to build collaborative relations internationally through presentations and discussions. The constructive relationship will lead the researchers to tackle pivotal challenges, and encourage them contribute further development in the field of Human-Agent Interaction.
NGHAI Workshop invites submissions from students and researchers to the field of Human-Agent Interaction. Topics of interest include:
- designs and studies of Human-Agent Interaction, including quantitative and qualitative results,
- theoretical models of Human-Agent Interaction,
- technological advances in Human-Agent Interaction,
- impacts of embodiment (e.g., physical vs digital, human vs animal-like),
- experimental methods for Human-Agent Interaction,
- character and avatar design in video games,
- agents in social network,
- human-robot interaction,
- human-virtual agent interaction,
- interaction with smart homes and smart cars,
- distributed groupware where people have remote embodiments and representations,
- and many more.
- 08 July 2016: Submission deadline
- 22 July 2016: Acceptance notification
- 07 August 2016: Final camera-ready papers due
- 2-4 pages
- ACM SIGCHI paper format (
Please visit the submission page for more details on preparations for paper submission.
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