Call: Designing Gameful and Ethical Experiences – DIS 2016 Workshop

Call for Papers:
Designing Gameful and Ethical Experiences
Workshop 4th June 2016 to be held in association with Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) 2016 Conference 4th -8th June, Brisbane, Australia

Important Dates:
Submissions by: April 7th 2016
Notifications: April 21st, 2016
Workshop: June 4th, 2016 (Part of DIS2016, June 4th-8th)

Organisers: Zachary Fitz-Walter, Sarah-Kristin Thiel, and Cody Phillips

Workshop website:
DIS2016 website:

This workshop aims to discuss the effective and ethical design of gamification, gameful and persuasive human-computer interactions. The workshop is open to both researchers and industry practitioners with an interest in gamification, gameful and persuasive computing.

You can submit an optional research paper 2-4 pages in length presenting any current or future research or industry projects related to this topic from any domain (e.g., health, education, enterprise). These papers should detail the research or industry project and if applicable discuss the domain, the problem being addressed in the domain, the target users, the design process being used, any ethical considerations, and the outcomes of any empirical studies undertaken. The paper should be formatted using the two-column SIGCHI Extended Abstract format. Submissions should be sent directly to the organisers. Note that participants must register for the conference. Papers will be selected on the basis of their relevance, quality and ability to stimulate discussion. You can further register your interest to attend via the workshop website.

We look forward to seeing you in Brisbane soon!

Sarah-Kristin Thiel
Junior Scientist

Innovation Systems Department
Business Unit Technology Experience

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
Vienna | Austria |


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