Digital Creativity 27:3
Creative Technologies and Innovation: Health and Wellbeing
Guest Editors:
Ted Krueger (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
Louise Poissant (Université du Québec à Montréal)
Diana Domingues (University of Brasilia)
Abstracts deadline: February 29, 2016
Radical changes to ecological, environmental, social, and biological conditions are turning some artists from traditionally defined practices towards new approaches that reinvent their engagement with life, health, and wellbeing. Their practices, while not new, are increasingly relevant for culture and health. These transformative changes to the nature of practice have put those trained in the arts, their insights and methods, in contact with those of other disciplines such as ecology, medicine and healthcare.
We look for papers concerned with the ways in which artists and designers actively work towards innovative solutions to issues of the health and wellbeing of individuals, communities, and environments as the principal product of their artistic activity.
This special issue of Digital Creativity seeks examples of digital art and creative practices that contribute to health and wellbeing. We are especially interested in innovative approaches and results that open up possibilities for a healthier life. How have artists or designers in collaboration with scientists creatively used technologies to directly promote physical health, or emotional and mental wellbeing? How has this engagement shifted the nature of the methods and products of their activities from the making of objects and events to the crafting of conditions for healthier ways of being? In what ways can artists’, scientists’, and designers’ frameworks, skills, and insights contribute to the understanding, engagement, resolution, or amelioration of conditions affecting health and wellbeing?
Initial proposals should be extended abstracts in English, between 800-1200 words. The final submission are Short Articles between 2500-3500 words, and Long Articles, between 5000-7000 words. The articles will be selected through a blind peer review process. Upon acceptance of the abstract, you will be sent further authors’ guidelines based on the Digital Creativity guidelines (Instructions for Authors) at .
The extended abstract should include the following information: 1) Name of author(s) with email addresses and affiliation, if applicable 2) Title of the paper 3) Body of the abstract 4) Preliminary bibliography 5) Author(s)’s short bio(s) 6) Indication of whether the submission will be a short or a long paper.
Abstracts (via email) due February 29, 2016
Please forward your abstract as a PDF attachment to Guest Editors:
Ted Krueger:
Louise Poissant:
Diana Domingues:
as well as to the editors of Digital Creativity:
Editors: Michael Nitsche and Julia Sussner
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