Call for Participation in CHI UX Indonesia Conference 2016 (CHIuXiD 2016)
“Bridging the Gaps in the HCI and UX World”
Jakarta, 13-15 April 2016
W. | F. chiuxid | T. @chiuxid | I. #chiuxid
CHIuXiD 2016 is the 2nd International Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and User Experience (UX) Conference to be held in Indonesia that has achieved the in-cooperation status with the Association for Computer Machinery (ACM) for the second year in a row. This is the probably the biggest ACM SIGCHI event in Southeast Asia. Continuing the success of the first conference, CHIuXiD 2016 aims to bridge the gaps in the Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience world. As the only event in the region dedicated for leaders, experts, academics, and professionals in HCI and UX, CHIuXiD 2016 is a platform to gain and share the latest HCI and UX insights in diverse vertical industries, including finance, healthcare, banking, and telecommunication.
- Dr. Elizabeth Churchill (Director of UX at Google, USA)
- Professor Barry Brown (Professor, Stockholm University/Research Director, Mobile Life Centre, Sweden)
- Professor Ellen Yi-Luen Do (Co-Director Keio-NUS CUTE Centre, Singapore/Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
- Professor Mark Billinghurst (Professor, University of South Australia, Australia)
- Full Papers (max. 10 pages)
- Short Papers (max. 4 pages)
- Business Stories
- Design Challenge
- Submission Deadline: 18 December 2015
- Notification to Authors: 2 February 2016
- Camera Ready Version: 12 February 2016
- Early Bird Registration Deadline: 29 February 2016
- Conference events: 13-15 April 2016
Accepted papers at CHIuXiD 2016 are published by ACM International Conference Proceedings in the ACM Digital Library (ISBN: 978-1-4503-4044-1). The ACM Digital Library is the computing field’s premier digital library that has attracted high impact, visibility and citation.
Submissions are accepted for the following topics related to Human Computer Interaction and User Experience:
Applications and Business Domains
- Games and entertainment
- Healthcare, e-health and telemedicine
- Interactive design for online education (e-learning, m-learning and blended learning)
- Computer-supported cooperative work and collaboration
- E-commerce interface design and evaluation
- Electronic, mobile and ubiquitous commerce
- Service Design (micro-finance, micro-loan, instant courier, agile transport)
- Social Computing (Social Media, Social Networking, Online Gaming, Crowdsourcing, Collective Intelligence, Online Dating)
- Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin
Emerging Technologies
- Virtual/augmented reality
- Mobile computing and user mobility
- Affective computing
- Context-Aware and Ubiquitous Computing
- Internet of Things
- Big Data
- Human Robot Interaction
- Artificial Intelligence
- Smart Cities
- Autonomous Vehicles
- Wearable Technology
- Brain Computer Interface
Processes and tools
- Usability methods and practices
- Human-centered design
- Participatory design
- User studies and ethnographic approaches
- Crowdsourcing
- Design methods
- Tools for design, modeling and evaluation
- HCI and Software Engineering
- Usability metrics and measurement
User Interface Design
- Multimedia and multimodal interfaces
- Natural User Interfaces
- Tactile and haptic interaction
- Novel interaction techniques
- Mobile User Interface
- Responsive Design
- Graphic User Interface
- Information Visualisation
User Experience and Usability
- Lean User Experience
- Agile User Experience
- Usability Testing
- User Research
- Internationalization and Localization
- Mobile User Experience
Animal Computer Interaction (ACI)
- Animal Tracking
- Wearable Biotelemetry
- Biomimicry in Robotics
- Animal-oriented interfaces
We look forward to having your participation in the CHIuXiD 2016 in Jakarta!
Josh (Adi Tedjasaputra)
Conference Chair
CHIuXiD 2016 – 2nd International HCI and UX Conference in Indonesia (ACM In Coop)
W. | F. chiuxid | T. @chiuxid | I. #chiuxid
Co-Founder and Principal Consultant
UX Indonesia
W. | F. uxindo | T. @indonesia_ux | Linkedin Group.
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