AISB 2016 Call for Symposium Proposals
Deadline for symposium proposals: 1st September 2015
Notification of acceptance: 26th September 2015
The AISB Convention is an annual conference covering the range of AI and Cognitive Science, organised by the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour. The 2016 Convention will be held at the University of Sheffield, UK, from 4-6th April 2016.
Daniela Romano (Department of Computer Science) and Tony Prescott (Department of Psychology) are the 2016 conference chairs, which will be hosted by Sheffield Robotics.
The convention is structured as a number of co-located symposia, together with a number of plenary talks and events. A symposium lasts for one or two days, and can include any type of event of academic benefit: talks, posters, panels, discussions, debates, demonstrations, outreach sessions, exhibits, etc. Each symposium is organised by its own programme committee. The committee proposes the symposium, defines the area(s) and structure for it, issues calls for abstracts/papers etc., manages the process of selecting submitted papers for inclusion, and compiles an electronic file for inclusion in the convention proceedings which are published on the AISB website.
Proposals for symposia are welcomed in all areas of AI and cognitive science. The following list is indicative of topics that have been covered in previous years, but we are keen to expand the range of symposia and to hold symposia that explore interdisciplinary topics. More details can be found on the 2015 convention website.
- Knowledge representation
- Computational theory of mind
- Computational intelligence
- The Turing test and philosophical foundations of AI
- Consciousness
- Human and machine creativity
- Simulation of human and animal behaviour
- Ethics of AI
- Embedded, enactive, embodied, extended, ecological cognition
- Automated reasoning
- AI in the arts, literature, theatre and music
- Machine learning
- Natural language, discourse, argumentation
- Cultural, social, and media theories and computing
- Cognitive neuroscience
- Robotics
- Human Robot Interaction
- Autonomy, agency
- AI in games
- History of AI and cognitive science
Proposers are welcome to submit, or be involved with more than one proposal. Proposers need not already be members the AISB and will not be required to become members. They will of course be encouraged to join, and all organisers must register as regular convention attendees.
Deadline for symposium proposals: 1st September 2015
Notification of acceptance: 26th September 2015
Submissions should consist of the following (as a pdf file):
- A title.
- A 300-1000 word description of the scope of the symposium, and its relevance to the convention along with the nature of the academic events (talks, posters, panels, demonstrations, etc.).
- Whether the symposium is intended as a sequel to a symposium at a previous AISB conference.
- An indication of whether submissions will be by abstract, extended abstract or full paper.
- Your preferences about the intended length of the symposium as a number of days (preferably one day or two, but anything from half a day to three days), together with a brief justification.
- A description (up to 500 words) of any experience you have in organization of academic research meetings (please note that it is not a requirement that you have such experience).
- Names and affiliations of any invited speakers that you may have in mind for the symposium.
- Your name and full contact details, together with, if possible, names and workplaces of the members of a (preliminary, partial) programme committee.
Please email your pdf submissions by 1st September 2015 to:
Louise Caffrey, Sheffield Robotics Administrator (
Further details of the venue and conference arrangements can be found HERE, and more details will be announced in due course.
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