Call: “Image Embodiment: New Perspectives of the Sensory Turn” for Yearbook of Moving Image Studies

Call for Papers

Yearbook of Moving Image Studies:
Image Embodiment: New Perspectives of the Sensory Turn

Deadline for Abstracts: August 1, 2015
Deadline for Articles: January 11, 2016

The double-blind peer-reviewed Yearbook of Moving Image Studies (YoMIS) is now accepting articles from scientists, scholars, artists and film makers for the second issue entitled “Image Embodiment: New Perspectives of the Sensory Turn.” YoMIS will be enriched by disciplines like media and film studies, image science, (film) philosophy, art history, game studies and other research areas related to the moving image in general.

Theories addressing the embodiment of the human mind discuss the relationship between subject and environment. Especially the international discourse in philosophy and cognitive psychology reflects the topics of embodied cognition (see Lakoff & Johnson 1980; Clark 1997; Gallagher 2005), extended or embedded mind (Haugeland 1995; Clark & Chalmers 1998), multimodality of perception (vgl. Nanay 2013) and enactivism (see Varela/Thompson/Rosch 1991; Noë 2004).

Recent evolution of media technologies, like interactive and immersive media, VR displays, AR applications, natural interfaces or embodied interaction, emphasise the role of the lived body in theoretical and applied areas. Different studies indicate that the analysis of the processing of mediated sensory data need to involve the crucial functions of the lived body interweaved with the structure of the human mind.

Therefore “Image Embodiment: New Perspectives of the Sensory Turn” addresses the broad field within the relation of perception and reception of media images and the somatic, neural and mental processes that are embodied in the corporeal human dimension. Hence contributions for the recent issue of the Yearbook of Moving Image Studies, referring to the broad field of embodiment theory and image science, should concentrate explicitly on images and visual artefacts, not media technologies or material interfaces. Topics should focus on (but are not necessarily limited to) images as perceptual or cognitive extension or prostheses (in terms of extended or embedded cognition), pictorial (re)embodiment and avatarial embodiment (understanding the avatar as pictorial and bodily representation), the relation of perception and sensorimotor interaction, graphic interfaces and embodied interaction and the lived body and interactive immersive or hyper realistic images.

The official deadline for abstracts is August 1, 2015. Long abstracts should be 700 to 1.000 words in length. Please send a short CV, contact details and your abstract to Dr. Lars C. Grabbe and Prof. Dr. Patrick Rupert-Kruse via:

The official deadline for the complete articles is January 11, 2016. The articles should be 5.000 to 8.000 words in length. If you are interested to contribute an abstract and article you will find a style sheet online:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the managing editors via mail.


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