Call for Participation: Posters, Demos, Tutorials and Workshop Papers
ACM International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services 2015 (MobileHCI)
Copenhagen, Denmark, August 24-27 2015
Mobile HCI is the premier forum for innovations in mobile, portable and personal devices and with the services to which they enable access. There are still a number of ways for you to participate in MobileHCI 2015, either by making a submission or simply attending.
MobileHCI brings together people from diverse areas, providing a multidisciplinary forum for academics, hardware and software developers, designers and practitioners to discuss the challenges and potential solutions for effective interaction with and through mobile devices, applications, and services. MobileHCI maintains a small number of tracks along with a wide range of other program aspects to encourage the exchange of research results, ideas and future research endeavours.
Submission Deadlines: May 8, 2015: Posters, Demos, Tutorials and Workshop Papers
For details of each call, visit:
Discuss your work early on and receive further inspiration.
We invite researchers and practitioners to submit their work to the poster category of MobileHCI 2015. Work that is best suited for a poster submission includes – but is not limited to – preliminary results, provoking and current topics, novel experiences or interactions that have not been fully tested but show great promise, summaries of small-scale studies, design explorations etc. Posters provide the opportunity for researchers to get feedback on early-stage work, discuss potential collaborations and discuss the burning issues in MobileHCI in an informal manner with the larger MobileHCI community.
Detailed Call:
Important Dates
- May 8, 2015: Posters Deadline
- June 12, 2015: Posters Notification
- June 26, 2015: Camera Ready
If you have questions about Posters for MobileHCI 2015, contact the Poster Chairs Cosmin Munteanu and Marcos Serrano at
Demonstrate the MobileHCI Philosophy: be passionate about mobile interaction!
The MobileHCI 2015 Demonstration track provides a space for researchers and practitioners to bring hands-on experiences to conference attendees. We want to see and try your:
- Prototypes
- Services
- Devices
- Systems
- Innovative examples of mobile experiences or interactions
Detailed Call:
Important Dates
- May 8, 2015: Demo Submission Deadline
- June 12, 2015: Demo Notification
- June 26, 2015: Camera Ready Version
If you have questions about Posters for MobileHCI 2015, contact the Demo Chairs Jason Alexander and Nicolai Marquardt at
Provide inspiration. Encourage others with your work.
MobileHCI 2015 continues to build on the tradition of previous conferences with a high quality tutorial program. We invite proposals for 1, 2 or 3 hour tutorials on emerging and established areas of research and practice. Tutorials will be held on the first day of the conference and are expected to provide participants with new insights and skills relevant to the area.
Detailed Call:
Important Dates
- May 8, 2015: Proposal Submission Deadline
- May 29, 2015: Proposal Notification
- August 24, 2015: Tutorial Day
If you have questions about Tutorials for MobileHCI 2015, contact the Tutorial Chairs Per Ola Kristensson and Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila at
Workshop 1: 2nd Workshop on Designing with Older Adults: Towards a Complete Methodology
Workshop 2: From Mobile to Wearable – Using Wearable Devices to Enrich Mobile Interaction
Workshop 3: Workshop on Mobile Cognition – Using Mobile Devices to Enhance Human Cognition
Workshop 4: The Role of Self-Reflection in Sustainability
Workshop 5: Smarttention, Please! Intelligent Attention Management on Mobile Devices
Workshop 6: Interactive Displays through Mobile Projection
Workshop 7: Mobile Collocated Interactions With Wearables
Workshop 8: Mobiscool – 1st Workshop on Mobile, Social and Culturally Oriented Learning
For details of each workshop, visit:
Important Dates
- Position Paper Deadline: May 8th 2015, 5pm PST
- Position Paper Notification: June 12th 2015
- Workshop Day: August 24th 2015
We look forward to seeing you in Copenhagen!
Ming Ki Chong and Derek Reilly
Mobile HCI 2015 Publicity Chairs
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