Call: Art.CHI

Call for Participation – Proposal for Catalogue Entries and further artworks


The Art.CHI workshop brings together artists working in interactive media who wish to explore and discuss the HCI issues around their work. In addition to the workshop we are also publishing a catalogue of Art.CHI work at CHI2015.

So in this call we are asking for Catalogue submissions in the same format as our previous artworks call.

In addition we have one or two places available at the workshop and are extending the call for artwork presentations to 19th January

The catalogue submissions and artwork proposals can include many different forms including sound, vision, performance, dance and theatre, as well as works that are not so easily categorized. The submissions should include the following (in CHI Extended Abstracts format

  • Description of the work including written texts, images, sound, video
  • Artist’s statement giving background to the ideas and creation Process
  • Inspiration, sources, materials, any research related to the Artwork
  • Artist Profile: short bio, track record including previous exhibitions

Proposals should be sent by email to David England, by the following date:

  • Submission of Artwork Proposals: 19th Jan 2015
  • Notification of Artwork Selection: 2nd Feb. 2015
  • Date of Workshop: 18-19th April 2015
  • Submission of Catalogue Entries:  9th Feb 2015
  • Notification of Catalogue Selection : 2nd March 2015

Artwork accepted for the workshop will be published in the catalogue.

Note: it is a condition of CHI workshop attendance that you should also register for at least one day of the main conference.


We are looking for novel, thought-provoking, evocative, sensorially-rich interactive art experiences created by a diverse and broad group of creative practitioners. The selection will be based on the criteria listed below.

Originality and Novelty: the proposal should demonstrate work that is highly original, creative and imaginative. It should exemplify novel concepts in surprising and challenging ways that add something to what exists already.

Aesthetics: the work should have a strong aesthetic element and communicate effectively through form, function, behavior and emotion. Aesthetically interesting qualities include features that are pleasing and exciting as well as provocative.

Realization: the work must have a tangible aspect, in the form of an installation, object or art piece that can be included at a reasonable cost. It should be built and executed to a high standard suitable to be exhibited at CHI 2015.

Value: The proposed work has the potential to open doors to new ways of thinking about interaction, evaluation and aesthetics, both in HCI and the Interactive Arts and/or critiques present and emerging forms.


David England, UK
Linda Candy, Australia
Celine Latulipe, USA
Thecla Schiphorst, Canada
Ernest Edmonds, UK
Younghui Kim, South Korea
Sean Clark, UK
Andruid Kerne, USA



Ernest Edmonds


Linda Candy
Andruid Kerne
Sean Clark
Robert Devcic
David England
Beryl Graham
Nick Bryan-Kinns
Younghui Kim
Deborah Turnbull Tillman
Thecla Schiphorst


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