Call for Papers
CEPE-IACAP 2015 Joint Conference
Computer Ethics: Professional Enquiries / International Association for Computing and Philosophy
June 22-25 2015 at the University of Delaware
Philosophical and ethical enquiries about information technologies, computing, and artificial intelligence have acquired a focal place in the academic and societal debate on the design, development and deployment of technological artefacts. As the issues to be addressed are increasingly complex and interwoven, the need to consider different stakeholders and to endorse both multi- and inter-disciplinary approaches in addressing such problems become more pressing. For this reason, in 2015 the International Society for Ethics in Technology (INSEIT) and the International Association for Computing and Philosophy (IACAP) will hold a joint meeting to offer the opportunity to members of both communities to exchange ideas and discuss issues of common interest.
The conference will be held on June 22-25 2015 at the University of Delaware and will be hosted by Professor Tom Powers, Department of Philosophy, School of Public Policy and Administration and Delaware Biotechnology Institute, and Director of the Center for Science, Ethics & Public Policy, University of Delaware.
This year’s meeting will have a single main track focusing on topics at the core of IACAP and INSEIT member’s interests. Symposia will also be organized and run by members, or member groups, to focus on more specific topics of discussion.
We invite submissions of abstract (up to 3000 words) as well as submission of proposals for symposia focusing on ethical and philosophical problems relate to information technologies and computing. A selection of the papers presented during the meeting will be published in a volume of the ‘Synthese Library’ (Springer).
The conference theme is open to the following topics:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial Life
- Automated Warfare
- Cognitive Science, Computation & Cognition
- Computational Modeling in Science and Social Science
- Computer-Mediated Communication
- Ethical Problems and Societal Impact of Computation and Information
- Ethics of Big Data
- History of Computing
- Information Culture and Society
- Metaphysics of Computing
- Philosophy of Information
- Philosophy of Information Technology
- Robotics
- Virtual Reality
… and related issues
Important dates:
Papers submission: 2 February 2015
Notification of acceptance: 27 February 2015
Submission full paper for the conference proceedings: 1 August 2015
Symposia submission: 12 January 2014
Notification of acceptance: 2 February 2015
More information:
Charles Ess, Professor in Media Studies, University of Oslo:
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