Social ITS: Tutorial and Workshop on Theories and Applications of Social Science for Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces
In conjunction with ACM ITS 2014
Dresden, Germany
November 16, 2014
Important Dates
- Submission Deadline: September 5, 2014, 5pm PDT
- Notification to Authors: September 23, 2014
- NEW EVENT FORMAT: Tutorial (½ day) + Workshop (½ day): November 16, 2014
Social ITS Tutorial + Workshop Theme
There is an increasing trend in the human-computer interaction (HCI) and interactive tabletop and surfaces (ITS) communities towards the application of social theories describing human and social behaviour into our technology designs. For example, social theories that describe how people utilize different spatial distances to engage in different types of interactions with others, how collaborative and communication practices are employed in face-to-face environments, have been appropriated by ITS researchers to create new forms of interactive surface interactions in a variety of contexts.
In this combined tutorial and workshop venue, we review and discuss social science theories relevant to the design of interactive surfaces. We aim to facilitate knowledge exchange on the inherent challenges of applying social theories to build systems, and to establish a community of practice to help develop effective strategies for successfully applying social theories to the design of Interactive Surfaces.
The tutorial component will focus on social theories related to, but not limited to:
- Group communications
- Proxemics theory foundations
- Public and personal space
- Territoriality theories and research
- Lessons learned, new ideas, and insights about the ways social theories (that were developed in a different context than HCI) to interaction design of interactive surfaces
The workshop component will focus on:
- Feedback and thoughts gathered from discussions during the tutorial session
- Overview of participants’ work related to applications of social theories
- Workshop activities will include:
- Identifying challenges and topics of interest
- Discussion of lessons learned
- Creation of an overview on applying social theories in the ITS context
We invite researchers to submit position papers of up to 4 pages in the SIGCHI Extended Abstract format ( that describe original research and outline the interest and experience in applying social science theories to the design of interactive surfaces. Selected submissions will be made available to workshop participants prior to the workshop on the workshop website (
Supplementary materials (e.g., videos) can be submitted in the form of a Youtube, Vimeo, or Dropbox link, and will also be made available on the workshop website. If there is sufficient coherence in the workshop discussions, authors will be invited to work towards a summary article about the workshop outcome, resulting in a possible publication.
Please submit your position paper by September 5, 2014, 5pm PDT to:
Stacey D. Scott – University of Waterloo, Canada
Victor Cheung – University of Waterloo, Canada
Jo Vermeulen – Hasselt University, Belgium
Nicolai Marquardt – University College London, United Kingdom
For more details, we refer to the Social ITS Tutorial+Workshop’s website:
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