About IE2014 – Fun and Games
Interactive Entertainment is Australasia’s longest running games and digital entertainment conference. IE2014 marks the 10th anniversary of the conference which is hosted this year by the University of Newcastle, Australia.
IE2014 welcomes scientists, designers, artists, technicians, students, industry and academics from across the spectrum. We encourage contributions from fields as diverse as computer science, social science, design, communication, media studies, music, engineering, health and mathematics. Anyone interested in the myriad of technologies and issues that impact on interactive entertainment and computer games are encouraged to come along and share their discipline’s perspective on “Fun and Games”.
All papers are peer reviewed and will be published in the conference proceedings. For more detailed information about topics covered by the conference, submitting a paper and registration see the Call for papers, Submission and Registration.
Further Information about the Venue, Accommodation and Travel are also available on this site. The conference Program will be finalised in November, 2014.
Important Dates
Conference Dates: 2-3 December, 2014
Paper Submissions: 16 August, 2014
Author Notification: 1 October, 2014
Camera Ready Papers: 1 November, 2014
Conference Location
University of Newcastle, Australia.
All enquiries through ieconference2014@gmail.com
IE2014 – Call for papers
The particular theme of the 10th Interactive Entertainment conference is “Fun and Games”. A quick look in the dictionary will reveal that: fun and games are for enjoyment, for amusement, for pleasure, for diversion, for sport, for relaxation and for excitement. Fun and games are playful, entertaining, frivolous, exciting, social, creative, competitive, challenging and engaging. Fun and games are not too serious, not harmful, not immoral and not too hard.
Looking at fun in computer games both challenges and confirms some of these notions. Interesting questions emerge from this framing such as: How do we make interactive entertainment fun? What makes people engage and immerse themselves in game worlds? What do people learn from games? What is the relationship between games, fun and creativity? Are serious applications of games still fun? For IE2014, we hope to see a number of papers that provide diverse ideas concerning the nature of fun and games.
Papers might cover areas such as: heuristic methodologies, control and evaluation, design practices and methods, design history, experience measurement, core mechanics, discussions on narrative, networking models, advances in game graphics, sound design, artificial intelligence, user interface design and communication theory.
Anticipated papers might also include: the role of serious games in education, health or exercise, changes in development and evaluation methodologies, creativity and experimental gameplay forms, advances in mobile and portable games. Papers might also cover related topics outside the realm of computer games such as Virtual Reality, simulation, film, animation and the history of interactive media. Papers concerning the development of interactive applications and demonstration of games thinking not listed here will also be welcomed.
Interactive Entertainment has always been a very diverse conference and we expect this year to be no different. Indeed the conference encourages and pursues deep collaboration between theorists and practitioners of all types and the abiding strength of previous events has been the depth of conversation between people from diverse disciplines. We encourage contributions from fields as diverse as computer science, social science, design, communication, media studies, music, engineering, health and mathematics. Anyone interested in the myriad of technologies and approaches that make up interactive entertainment are encouraged to come along and share your discipline’s perspective on interactive entertainment.
All papers are peer reviewed and will be published in the IE2014 Conference Proceedings and included in the ACM Digital Library. Please progress to the IE2014 Submission page for detailed submission, review and author information.
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