2nd Workshop on User Experience of Autonomous Driving at AutomotiveUI 2014 (
Seattle, WA, USA; September 17th, 2014
Workshop website:
Submission deadline: August 10, 2014
- August 10, 2014: Submission deadline
- Option 1: Position paper (to appear in adjunct proceedings)
- Option 2: Biography and motivation to participate
- August 13, 2014: Notification
- August 15, 2014: Early Registration Deadline for Conference
- September 1, 2014: Camera ready version (optional)
- September 17, 2014: Workshop at AUI 2014 in the afternoon
Autonomous Driving has gained attention from academia and industry over the last decades. Research organizations and companies have developed (semi-)autonomous vehicles and first in-situ studies have been conducted. This workshop follows last years first AUI workshop on user experience (UX) and autonomous driving (AD). We would like to widen the conversation on UX and AD based on the results from last year. The focus lays in an in depth discussion on challenges and potentials for UX and AD among experts and researchers. We will explore various areas such as methodological issues, human factors, entertainment, social driving, and novel user interface approaches. The overall aim of the workshop is to discuss the future landscape for research within and across each these areas.
Submissions are invited on the following topics:
- Driver and passenger interaction with (semi-) autonomous vehicles
- Handover situations between drivers and automated cars
- User experience factors relevant for autonomous driving (e.g., acceptance, trust and driving fun)
- Novel user interface approaches including natural and gaze interaction, subliminal information, and brain computer interfaces
- Driver information displays and how they differ from non-autonomous modes
- Experience studies in the lab and in the field with autonomous vehicles
- Study and evaluation methods for autonomous driving
- Entertainment for drivers and passengers in autonomous cars, as well as gamification approaches
- Ethical issues of autonomous driving
We would like to invite practitioners and academics from a range of disciplines, including design, marketing, anthropology and ethnography, sociology, engineering, and computer science.
We aim to help engaged participants to develop their provocative ideas and express them clearly. These ideas then provide new angles from which to understand the field. This increase in perspectives, coupled with a confidence that a good idea will eventually form itself into a practical mainstream solution, increases with richness of thinking within the community. Additionally, we aim to create a collection of such works and distribute it in appropriate channels such as publications in journals or interest. One venue could be Interactions (ACM), as an example. We also aim to build a network with and for the attendees (and those with similar thinking) to rely on each other and further collaborate on their novel ideas.
We provide 2 options to participate in the workshop:
- Option 1: Submit a position paper (2 pages ACM SIGCHI extended abstract (EA) format) to appear in the conference Adjunct Proceedings
- Option 2: Submit a short biography and motivation to participate including a question that should be addressed in the workshop
Both submissions have to be made via email to alexander.meschtscherjakov(at)
Alexander Meschtscherjakov, University of Salzburg
Manfred Tscheligi, University of Salzburg, Austrian Institute of Technology
Dalila Szostak, Intel Labs
Rabindra Ratan, Michigan State Universtiy
Roderick McCall, University of Luxembourg
Ioannis Politis, University of Glasgow
Sven Krome, RMIT University
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