Supersonic jet ditches windows for massive live-streaming screens

[From Wired’s Autopia blog, where the post includes another picture; see a recent related story here]

Spike erospace's Jet interior screen that replaces windows

Supersonic Jet Ditches Windows for Massive Live-Streaming Screens

By Alexander George

Spike Aerospace is in the midst of building the first supersonic private jet. And when the $80 million S-512 takes off in December 2018, it won’t have something you’d find on every other passenger aircraft: windows.

The Boston-based aerospace firm is taking advantage of recent advances in video recording, live-streaming, and display technology with an interior that replaces the windows with massive, high-def screens. The S-512’s exterior will be lined with tiny cameras sending footage to thin, curved displays lining the interior walls of the fuselage. The result will be an unbroken panoramic view of the outside world. And if passengers want to sleep or distract themselves from ominous rainclouds, they can darken the screen or choose from an assortment of ambient images. But this isn’t just a wiz-bang feature for an eight-figure aircraft.

While windows are essential for keeping claustrophobia in check, they require engineering workarounds that compromise a fuselage’s simple structure. And that goes two-fold for a supersonic aircraft. An airplane is stronger sans windows, which is one of the reasons why planes carrying military personnel or packages fly without them. Putting passenger windows on an airplane requires meticulous construction — the ovular shape, small aperture, and double-pane construction are all there to maintain cabin pressure and resist cracking while flying 500 mph at 35,000 feet.

It would be much simpler and safer to have a smooth-skinned, window-less fuselage, but frequent fliers have become accustomed to a calming view of the clouds and tiny cities during takeoff and landing.

Spike says that in order to hit their performance goals, they’ve planned to go windowless since the beginning. “A few advisers and friends are concerned that there are no windows,” Spike founder Vik Kachoria told WIRED. “But I think that if you give them the screens and give them the visibility, you might be able to get away from that.”

This structural workaround relieves Spike’s craft of the drag and weight issues presented by adding windows, which will, Spike projects, allow the plane to hit a top speed of 1,370 mph (Mach 1.8) while carrying up to 18 passengers.


One response to “Supersonic jet ditches windows for massive live-streaming screens”

  1. Bruce Lord

    This new virtual world that airlines have installed in their windows on their aircrafts is a cool idea. This means people can be flying over the ocean, but instead of just seeing water, they can see a high definition view of islands, clouds, or even just water. I think that spending all that money on something so irrelevant and was a dumb idea on Spike Aerospace. The idea is very cool, especially because it will look like you are flying while you see everything around you, but for $80 million it doesn’t sound financially stable in the airline business. The idea that you are just sitting in a jet, and this aircraft transforms itself into an aircraft with virtually no walls and everything is now visible on the trip.

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