Call: 2nd International Workshop on Virtual and Augmented Assistive Technology (at IEEE Virtual Reality 2014)

2nd International Workshop on Virtual and Augmented Assistive Technology
At IEEE Virtual Reality 2014, Minneapolis, MN, USA

The IEEE VR 2014 Workshop on Virtual and Augmented Assistive Technology is intended to bring together technological and clinical research communities to advance the state-of-the-art in Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) assistive technology. Over the past several decades, there has been a host of research conducted to improve rehabilitation and enable assistive technology for persons with disabilities (e.g., cognitive, physical) through VR and AR. However, this area needs to take more advantage of state-of-the-art VR and AR technology. We believe this situation could be improved if the two contributing communities to this area – the technology and the clinical communities – had greater opportunity for more direct interaction and collaboration to advance the field. This is the primary goal of this workshop.

Specifically, we are inviting submissions of position papers and preliminary research that focus on

  1. novel Virtual and Augmented Reality technologies that could be used to enhance assistive technologies, although they may not have been used for this yet
  2. insights into and studies involving persons with disabilities and the impact of VR, AR, and associated technologies.

Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Virtual Reality for Persons with Disabilities
  • Augmented Reality for Persons with Disabilities
  • 3DUI for Persons with Disabilities
  • Mobile AR/VR Applications for Persons with Disabilities
  • Human Movement Analysis
  • Games for Rehabilitation
  • Clinical Studies using Technologies for Persons with Disabilities
  • Usability Studies and Human Factors
  • Unlisted but related topics are also welcome

For accepted papers, authors must make a 15-20 minute oral presentation at this half day workshop.

Papers should be 2-6 pages in length and prepared using the IEEE Computer Society conference style format described at: Accepted papers will be submitted to be indexed by IEEE digital library.

Papers should be submitted in PDF format using the online submission system on easy chair:

Submission Deadline: February 9, 2014
Acceptance Notification: February 23, 2014


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