Call: 10th annual Games+Learning+Society (GLS) Conference

Call For Proposals
10th annual Games+Learning+Society (GLS) Conference
June 11-13, 2014
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

The Games+Learning+Society Center and the University of Wisconsin-Madison is excited to announce that the 10th annual Games+Learning+Society (GLS) Conference will be held June 11-13, 2014, with pre-conference activities on June 10 including the GLS Playful Learning Summit and the GLS Doctoral Consortium.

The GLS Conference is the premier event in the field of videogames and learning. Now celebrating its tenth anniversary, this grassroots “indie” event continues to be one of the few destinations where the people who create high-quality digital learning media can gather for serious discussion about what is happening in the field and how the field can serve the public interest. Our event is well known for its exceptionally high quality of content yet “community event” feel – one attendee called GLS “what happens if an all-inclusive Sandals Resort met a typical educational conference and landed in Wisconsin.” Each year, we foster in-depth conversation and social networking across diverse disciplines including game studies, education research, learning sciences, industry, government, educational practice, media design, and business. Our continued commitment is to reinvent learning both in and out of formal school environments through the promise of games and simulations.

Conference highlights include: keynotes by leaders in both academics and industry; interactive workshops on game research and game design; both individual and symposia presentation sessions; big debates about critical aspects of gaming and game design; hands‐on game play in the arcade; the beloved “hall of failure”; a massively multi-player evening poster session over dinner and an open bar; fireside chats that enable cozy conversations among VIP speakers and attendees; a brand new Working Examples submission system; and the third glorious year of the Educational Game Arcade, which offer a space for conference attendees to play the games created by members of our community.

We offer a variety of session formats, and encourage submissions ranging from traditional paper presentations to innovative formats focusing on game play. Submissions will be accepted starting December 1, 2013, and are due online by January 31, 2014. Complete submission guidelines and templates can be found here, as well as more information about the GLS Playful Learning Summit and the Doctoral Consortium.

Questions? Contact us at

Constance Steinkuehler
Caro Williams


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