Special Issue of Computers in Human Behavior: “Designing and Evaluating Sociability in Online Video Games”
Special Issue Editors
Georgios Christou, European University Cyprus
Panayiotis Zaphiris, Cyprus University of Technology
Effie Lai-Chong Law, University of Leicester
Lennart E. Nacke, University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT)
David Geerts, KU Leuven
Computer games are at the forefront of technological innovation; their popularity in research continuously increasing. Their wide presence and use makes computer games a major factor affecting the way people socialize, learn and possibly work.
As increasingly more people become involved with computer games, researchers need to address various questions on topics as diverse as social impact, ethical questions, design, flow, presence, and game experience. This special issue will focus on bringing together work from various disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, computer science, human-computer interaction, psychology and others, that look at how to design and evaluate the social structures that make online video games so appealing.
Potential topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Case studies of online game designs that have (not) succeeded in promoting sociability, with emphasis on their social structures.
- Studies of designing social structures in online games.
- Empirical studies on social structures in online games and their impact on the player experience.
- Experimental studies of metrics, methods, and techniques that have been used to evaluate social structures in online games.
- Conceptual frameworks that enable the evaluation of sociability in online video games.
- Studies providing connections between player experience and sociability in online video games.
The special issue will consist of around 8-12 articles. All papers will undergo peer review. Submit any queries to: Georgios Christou (gchristou@yahoo.com)
June 15, 2013: Abstract submission (500 words) – Submit abstracts to: Georgios Christou (gchristou@yahoo.com)
July 1, 2013: Initial notification sent to authors
July 30, 2013: Submission of full papers – Submit at: Elsevier system: http://ees.elsevier.com/chb/
(Please select SI: Video Game Sociability when choosing the Article Type).
Author instructions:
October 30, 2013: Final decisions and feedback
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