Call: DIECH: Design of Interactive Experiences for Cultural Heritage Sites by End Users



DIECH: Design of Interactive Experiences for Cultural Heritage Sites by End Users

In conjunction with IS-EUD 2013 (
June 10 2013, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark


Cultural heritage (CH) sites, such as museums, archaeological parks and historical city centers, are interesting places to study human-technology interaction. They are particularly important places for having rich interactive learning experiences, for different age groups and dimensions (families, school parties etc.). Interactive technologies play an important role in CH sites. A particular aspect in this context is studying user interaction with physical spaces, especially through mobile technology and interrelated interactive exhibits. In these places strong means for meaning making are mobile games, enacted stories and often their combination.

The workshop brings together researchers interested in designing and evaluating technology-enhanced activities in CH sites, not as mere containers of cultural artefacts, but as a place of participation, knowledge construction, and learning. The workshop is intended for researchers and practitioners that are interested in developing theories, models, and good practices related to the design and evaluation of technology-mediated (playful) learning activities in CH sites.

The focus stresses End-User Development (EUD) perspective, i.e. it acknowledges the importance of involving experts of the application domain and other stakeholders in the design of effective interactive systems, since they bring different kinds of knowledge, needed in addition to typical software development skills. End users should be allowed to modify many of the determining factors of the user experience. For example, if the interactive experience is based on a game, domain experts and end users should be allowed to modify characters, environment, story, behaviors of objects and actors, as well as to extend the functionality and modify the rules, even through cheating. All these people have to be provided with software environments and tools through which they can be actively involved in adapting, modifying or even creating software artifacts.

Workshop participants are expected to bring in their different perspectives from the areas of interaction design, mobile computing, museology, learning sciences, learning technologies, cultural heritage, creating an epistemically fluent ecology.

Two kinds of learning activities will be the focus of the workshop: games and stories, or their combination in the form of games with a strong narrative dimension. Various technologies will be considered, with special emphasis on player mobility. Game play is an established approach for learning in museums. The use of digital technologies has resulted in revisiting the idea of game play and storytelling in museums, and in investigating the role of technologies in interaction, interpretation, learning, content creation through crowd-sourcing, etc.

In this context, a main topic to explore will be the relationship between the design of learning games and a CH site practice, specifically: How to design gaming activities, with learning in mind? What is involved in designing them? What practices are implicated in the architecture of effective learning in such a context? What knowledge informs, and is created by, these design practices? What is the learning focus of existing mobile games for CH site learning and how this focus can be enriched or expanded? How to consider game design as an end -user learning activity, exploring learning in the design and development of games by their users, identifying in the latter the potential of helping learners to build a new relationship with knowledge?

Further topics are:

  • Collaboration, as a core element of games, for increasing the fun factor and motivation, for supporting learning, and for making sense of a visiting experience;
  • Personalization of the player experience in the CH site context to narrow down the cultural experience into what the visitor has explicitly or implicitly described to fall under their interests, habits and cultural experience, managing the intersection of the personalized experience (visitor narrative) with the CH site curators’ view.


The DIECH 2013 workshop will be a day long. A keynote statement will be presented by the organizers first, then presentations contributed by participants will follow including proposals for examples to be used as case studies. In the second part, participants will discuss the main points raised and get involved in group design activities and report to the final plenary session.


Submissions should be formatted in Springer LNCS format ( They have to be in PDF format and no longer than 4 pages, with an abstract of up to 200 words. Submissions are not anonymous and should include all author names, affiliations, and contact information. All submissions will be reviewed by an international program committee. Authors can submit and update submissions through the (DIECH dedicated) EasyChair system until March 14, 2013:

Depending on the workshop outcomes, the organizers will consider to invite extended versions of selected papers for a special issue of a journal.


Deadline for submission: March 14, 2013
Acceptance notification: March 21, 2013
Registration: [according to IS-EUD 2013 registration policy]
Workshop date: June 11, 2013


  • Carmelo Ardito, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy, (organizer) (
  • Nikolaos Avouris, University of Patras, Greece, (organizer), (
  • Monica Divitini, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway (organizer) (
  • Barbara Rita Barricelli, University of West London, UK
  • Georgios Christou, European University Cyprus
  • Jacqueline Floch, SINTEF, Norway
  • Franca Garzotto, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
  • Letizia Jaccheri, NTNU, Norway
  • Effie Law, University of Leicester, UK
  • Irene Mavromati, Hellenic Open University, Greece
  • Janet Read, University of Central Lancashir, UK
  • Nikoleta Yiannoutsou, University of Athens, Greece



The workshop will be hosted in the frame of the 4th International Symposium on End-User Development (IS-EUD 2013), June 11-13, 2013, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Look at the main conference web site for further information (


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