Call: Third IEEE International Workshop on Social Implications of Pervasive Computing (SIPC ’13)

Call for Papers

The Third IEEE International Workshop on Social Implications of Pervasive Computing (SIPC ’13)

in conjunction with the Eleventh IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications – PerCom 2013 (http//
San Diego, CA, USA
March 18 – 22, 2013
Sponsored by IEEE



The technology associated with Pervasive Computing is progressively approaching levels of sufficient accuracy, dependability and suitable cost. As a result, we will soon see a shift from implementations in controlled research laboratories to implementations in real world everyday applications; the next stage in the development of pervasive computing. Pervasive technologies have the potential for literal pervasive use in almost all public, personal and commercial aspects of our lives. This ubiquity will enable and lead to, the emergence of new, unprecedented applications on a previously unseen scale. The benefits of this technology are numerous and wide ranging, but alongside this are the implications of the technology, brought about by the scale of pervasive computing and its use.

Research into the social aspects of pervasive computing has thus far generally focused on the positive applications of the technology, with insufficient discussion of its potential high impacting social consequences. The intention of this workshop is to focus on and explore the social implications of pervasive computing, and from this to develop theories, methods and guidelines to encourage the technology to achieve maximum benefit, with minimal consequence. If the implications of pervasive computing are to prevented/minimised, research must be discussed and conducted now, while the technology is still in development. This will lead to guidance for the wider pervasive computing community, and provide with sufficient time to consider the impact of the technology being developed.


The general multidiscipline technical areas that the workshop aims to discuss include (but not limited to):

  • Making the invisible socially acceptable
  • Delegation of individual and collective control
  • Social trust in pervasive computing
  • Information accuracy and dependability
  • Influence through increased availability of information
  • Pervasive computing in the public sphere
  • The physical, social and legal boundaries of pervasive computing
  • Location tracking of people and objects: privacy issues
  • Real world implementations
  • Socially acceptable design guidelines
  • Serious mixed reality game approaches
  • Conceptual models of implications or user responses
  • Computational modelling of user mental states
  • Human agent interaction in pervasive environments
  • Tools for evaluating pervasive systems
  • The role of pervasive computing in healthcare
  • The interplay between the built environment and pervasive computing
  • User experiences in large scale citywide pervasive environments

Future energy consumption and production practices are some of the key driving forces behind many of the advancements in the broad spectrum of technologies covered by the pervasive computing community. As such, the next wave of real-world pervasive deployments are anticipated to involve energy use in some way. With this in mind, the focus of this year’s workshop is on the effects of energy based pervasive technologies on user attitudes and behaviours. Papers discussing the following themes are of particular interest:

  • Examples of pervasive solutions for energy efficiency in buildings, and the impact on occupants and building managers.
  • The role of pervasive computing in the development of energy conscious ‘smart societies’ in both urban and rural environments.
  • The impact of pervasive computing based energy solutions on neighbourhoods and communities.


Potential workshop attendees are invited to submit a paper between 4 and 6 pages that addresses at least one relevant social implication of pervasive computing and discusses how researchers can influence the direction of development. In order to submit a paper, please proceed to the conference management system and follow the link ‘Authors’ in the upper menu. You will receive a confirmation email after finishing your submission.

The papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two members of the programme committee, and chosen according to their relevance to the scope of the workshop, the quality and originality of the submission, and their ability to stimulate and balance discussions. The organizers will try to consider as many submissions as possible to help assemble a large community of researchers interested in the social challenges of pervasive computing. Papers will be included and indexed in the IEEE digital libraries (Xplore), showing their affiliation with IEEE PerCom.


Submission Deadline: Extended to November 12, 2012
Notification: December 21, 2012
Camera Ready Papers: January 27, 2013
Workshop: TBD


Stuart Moran (University of Nottingham, UK)
Irene Lopez de Vallejo (IK4 Tekniker, Spain)


Khaled Bachour (University of Nottingham, UK)
Tibor Bosse (Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands)
Prof. Terrence Fernando (University of Salford, UK)
Alun Foster (ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking, Belgium)
Shin’ichi Konomi (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Prof. Vassilis Kostakos (University of Oulu, Finland)
Clara Mancini (The Open University, UK)
Antoni Martínez Ballesté (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain)
Katina Michael (University of Wollongong, Australia)
Stuart Moran (University of Nottingham, UK)
Keiichi Nakata (University of Reading, UK)
Nadia Pantidi (University of Nottingham, UK)
George Roussos (University of London, UK)
Katie A Siek (University of Colorado, USA)
Prof. Toyoaki Nishida (Kyoto University, Japan)
Irene Lopez de Vallejo (Tekniker IK4, Spain)


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