[From Matthew Lombard]
During the spring 2012 semester that just ended, I taught a Temple University course titled Psychological Processing of Media. The course, for undergraduate and masters level students, emphasized telepresence research and theory; the syllabus is here.
One of the optional assignments was “Telepresence Creativity” with the only instructions to “[c]reate a high quality graphic or video on the theme of presence and telepresence; see instructor with ideas and questions.” Below are links to the work produced by students in the class.
Do you teach or know of a course that covers telepresence? If so, please email me with details at lombard@temple.edu.
And if you have comments on the work below, please post them via the ISPR Presence News links.
Psychological Processing of Media “Telepresence Creativity” (authors/creators retain copyright):
- Gino’s video (a first-person telepresence experience in Center City, Philadelphia [3:23]) is here
- Griffin’s short story (“Little Billy Wells, or Living in this Life is like Running on a Hamster Wheel”) is here (pdf)
- HK’s PowerPoint (telepresence examples in advertising, life and art) is here
- Kaitlin’s PowerPoint (an introduction) is here
- Matt M.’s video (telepresence in web cam videos [3:18]) is here
- Patrick’s video (a brief overview of the study of telepresence [3:09]) is here
- Rachel’s video (telepresence in film [5:16]) is here
- Starsha’s short story (“Neurollusion: ‘Where you are is where you’re not’) is here (pdf)
- Tim M.’s “Memories on Repeat” web site about stereoscopic photography is here
- From Spring 2010: Brittany’s PowerPoint (an introduction) is here.
Matthew Lombard
ISPR President
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