Call: Affective experience in movement-based games (with Fun and Games 2012)

Affective experience in movement-based games
September 4th. 2012, Toulouse, France
in conjunction with Fun and Games 2012

Promoting an appropriate affective experience is a central aspect of games. Affective factors such as emotion, aesthetics and affective expression are important for games, as they can be a source of engagement and fun. In movement-based games, those that can use the user’s body movements as input, the affective experience and the role of movement in constructing meanings has an increased relevance.

Frequently, studies in movement-based games have looked at sports to inspire and inform both the design of games and the way to promote affective experiences. While this has provided a natural initial platform, there are other research areas that have also studied the affective experience and we believe there can be a number of advantages in looking at them. Although not directly related with movement-based games, their findings could complement our understanding of how to conceptualise, promote and evaluate the affective experience in movement-based games. Some of these areas are embodied affect, phenomenology, human-human communication, psychology, aesthetics, performing arts, and product design. This workshop will encourage the submission of works focusing on affective experience in movement-based games that widen the view of the area by taking into account research in other fields. We anticipate that some of those fields could be those mentioned above but remain open to other alternatives that could prove relevant.

The workshop intends to foster an exchange of ideas around the notion of the affective experience in movement-based games and to provide an opportunity to explore and discuss the contribution that areas that have studied the affective experience can make to movement-based interaction gaming. It will also be used as a first step to plan a special issue about the topic in a suitable journal.


If you would like to participate in the workshop please submit a short position paper (up to 4 pages) outlining the contribution that a research area (or areas) that study affective experience can make to movement-based games. Examples of suitable areas are embodied affect, phenomenology, human-human communication, psychology, aesthetics, performing arts, and product design but we remain open to other alternatives that could prove relevant.


Topics and questions that could be addressed within the context of movement-based games include but are not limited to:

  • Models of engagement (immersion, presence, flow)
  • Intuitive, aesthetic, emotional and social expressive movement
  • Gaming as performance
  • The role of the designer’s knowledge and practice of their own movement in game design
  • Taking physiological data into account to understand and promote engagement and emotion
  • The impact of kinesthetic realism on emotional response to movement
  • Design models, frameworks or techniques that take affect into account
  • Interpretation, analysis or evaluation of the affective experience


  • Deadline for submission: 25th. May 2012
  • Notification to authors: 15th. June 2012
  • Final copy due: 29th. June 2012
  • Workshop: 4th. September 2012


  • Pablo Romero, UNAM
  • Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze, UCLIC, UCL
  • Katherine Isbister, Game Innovation Lab, Polytechnic Institute of New York University
  • Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller, Exertion Games Lab, RMIT University
  • Georgios N. Yannakakis, Center for Computer Games Research, IT University of Copenhagen


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