European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics
ECCE 2012, Edinburgh Napier University
Edinburgh, Scotland
28 – 31 August 2012
We invite long or short papers, posters, doctoral work-in-progress and proposals for workshops and tutorials in the areas of cognitive ergonomics, human technology interaction and cognitive engineering.
This year’s theme is Re-thinking cognition. Cognition is no longer viewed as being merely “rules and representations” but is now seen to be situated, distributed, shared, embodied and embedded. We invite researchers to consider how these new treatments have shaped and perhaps, even, overturned their thinking and practice.
Accepted submissions in all categories will be published in the proceedings, which will also be available in the ACM digital library. Authors of the best quality papers will be invited to submit to a special issue of the journal Behaviour and Information technology.
Edinburgh in late August will be buzzing as the annual festival draws to a close. Delegates arriving early may be able to catch the final events of the Fringe, while the International Festival ends with fireworks on 2 September. We have reserved a reasonable quota of hotel rooms, but you are advised to book early!
Keynote speakers
Professor Yvonne Rogers
Director of University College London Interaction Centre
Professor Philippe Palanque
IRIT (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse)
Professor Mike Wheeler
Dept. of Philosophy, University of Stirling
Submission of long and short papers, posters and doctoral:
2nd April 2012
Notification of acceptance 21st May
Camera-ready copy for all categories:
29th June 2012
Workshops/tutorials/doctoral consortium:
28th August 2012
Main conference sessions:
29th – 31st August 2012
Contact us at
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