Call: SimTecT 2012

SimTecT 2012 Call for Papers

Simulation – Integrated Solutions

18-21 June 2012
Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, South Australia

As organisations strive for more effective and agile outputs, their simulation activities need to be tightly integrated with their business models and processes.

Are the training simulator capabilities and scenarios tailored as platforms and practices change or incidents occur? How quickly can a specific mission be rehearsed? Does an evaluation or research program lead to change? Does the system react to new workforce characteristics? Does the blended learning system deliver the right training to users on the move, when they need it? Continuous learning or occasional? Can people train while they work? Is the learning system centralised or distributed? Are decision support simulations part of the standard business planning system? Are models of new infrastructure or processes used for whole-of-life analysis? Is the simulation system architecture integrated with the organisation’s ITC infrastructure? Is the governance of the simulation environment consistent with the organisation’s management objectives, structures, and processes?

Our theme for SimTecT 2012 explores the benefits that simulation can deliver to an organisation if the training, design or analysis systems are fully incorporated into an organisation’s structure and processes.

Simulation Australia looks forward to seeing your abstract submission for a paper or poster for SimTecT 2012.


The SimTecT audience is diverse, representing:

  • Defence (capability development, DMO, operations, research)
  • Education (schools, VET, higher ed, social and organisational learning)
  • Emergency Management (national security, police, fire, ambulance, SES)
  • Manufacturing (product design, manufacturing process, optimisation)
  • Resources and Infrastructure (mining, construction, oil and gas)
  • Transportation (aerospace, aviation, road, rail, maritime, logistics/distribution).

Submit an Abstract

Abstracts for oral and poster presentations are now sought. For SimTecT 2012, we are seeking papers specifically addressing your experience in delivering integrated simulation solutions in two main areas:

  • Training, and
  • Decision support.

We want to explore the extent of what is possible and what enablers and barriers you have encountered.

Definition: Simulation can take the form of play, ‘what-if’ scenarios, role-plays, and/ or representational models of actual devices, processes, events and scenarios. A simulation may be, but is not necessarily, computer-based.

SimTecT 2012 aims to provide delegates with a greater focus on the application of simulation within training and/or decision support contexts. Specifically, we want to hear about: What did you set out to do? How did you do it? What worked? How well did it work? What didn’t work? What are the lessons?


We are interested in case studies and research focusing on designing, facilitating, evaluating, supporting or managing training, using simulations, for the following technical and leadership skill-sets:

Technical (Procedural) Skills

  • Entry-level (including induction) or advanced skills training for people in the following areas:
  • Administration (eg to how to operate software)
  • Specialist support (eg logistics – how to load a truck, how to read a map)
  • Operators (eg how to operate equipment)
  • Maintainers
  • Trade (eg how to weld)
  • Professional/specialist (eg how to fly a helicopter)
  • People Skills


  • Situational awareness
  • Decision making
  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Leadership
  • Managing stress
  • Coping with fatigue

Decision Support

  • Capability development
  • Supporting force options decisions
  • Effective uses of simulation during acquisition
  • Executable architectures for joint interoperability
  • Lifecycle support modeling
  • Design, testing and prototyping

Support to Operations

  • Prepare, evaluate and improve doctrine, tactics, strategy before and during operations
  • Effective human behaviour modeling
  • Management of cultural factors such as language
  • Use of training to address strategy questions
  • Augmented reality
  • Adaptive planning
  • Command and control
  • Joint operation

Abstract Selection

The SimTecT Conference Technical Committee will review abstracts suitable for presentation at the conference, based on scientific validity and subject matter. The deadline for submission of refereed, non-refereed papers, abstracts and poster abstracts is Monday 6 February 2012. Authors will be advised in writing of acceptance or non-acceptance of abstracts by Monday 13 February 2012. All presenting authors must register and pay for their attendance at the conference – all presenters are entitled to the early bird rate up until Wednesday 2 May 2012.

What Type of Abstracts are we seeking?

  1. Abstract leading to a refereed paper
  2. Abstract leading to a non-refereed paper
  3. Abstract only

What Type of Presentation Media are Available?

  1. Oral presentation
  2. Poster

You can elect when you submit your abstract for either oral, or poster presentation. However, given the number of oral presentation places available, the committee may determine that some abstracts are better suited to poster rather than oral presentation.

Will my Abstract or Paper be Published in the Conference Proceedings?

Accepted papers or abstract-only submissions will be published in the conference proceedings and Simulation Australia if:

  1. They meet the quality and format requirements
  2. They are submitted by the due dates
  3. The presenter is registered by the due date.

Refereed Papers

Refereed papers are those that undergo a formal review process by a panel of experts in the relevant field. This facility is aimed at the academic community. Papers do not have to be refereed to qualify for the Best Paper Awards.

Reviewers will evaluate papers according to:

  • Relevance to the conference theme
  • Rigorous scientific (research) methodology
  • Quality of writing and presentation
  • Contribution the work makes to the body of knowledge in that field.

This is an ideal route for authors wishing to have their work validated and credited. Please contact us if you require further information about having your paper refereed.  Papers which have been submitted as refereed, but do not meet the above quality criteria or the refereed paper due date, may be either rejected or categorised as non-refereed.

Non-refereed Papers

Non-refereed papers are not reviewed for content validity and need not be based on much more than the author’s ideas. Non-refereed papers are an ideal format for authors wishing to test ideas, share experiences and explore alternatives.

Abstract only Submissions

Abstract only submissions do not require a full paper to be submitted. We do, however, reserve the right to review your presentation prior to finalising your place in the conference program.

Poster Presentations

Poster presentations are a way of presenting a paper that does not necessarily involve standing up and speaking about your paper to an audience. Perfect for people who dislike public speaking! Instead, your paper or abstract is presented as one or a series of large laminated posters, on display for all delegates. Posters are a great way of sharing complex information visually, and provide the author with an opportunity to discuss their work at length with interested parties (which is much more difficult in a 15 minute speaking slot). We can assist you with developing posters if you are unsure how to go about this. The poster abstract or paper will be included in the conference handbook and proceedings.

Abstract Submission Requirements (for refereed, non-refereed, abstract only and poster submissions)

Abstracts must be submitted via the website at by 6 February 2012.

Please select oral or poster.

Paper Submission Requirements

  • Papers must conform to the template which is available on the website. The papers must be unclassified and – where relevant –must include appropriate copyright, company and/or government clearance.
  • Papers previously presented or published as well as marketing papers will not be accepted.
  • You must indicate who will be presenting the paper – they will be the point of contact for the technical committee and conference managers.
  • Failure to follow the template or the above conditions will generally result in the paper being rejected.

Full papers must be submitted via the website by 24 March 2012 (refereed papers) and 24 March 2012 (non-refereed and revised refereed). If you choose to submit a referred or non-referred paper please start writing your paper immediately your abstract is accepted. Acceptance of the paper will be accompanied by details of a copyright release form. In submitting an abstract for an oral presentation, authors acknowledge that they may be required to present on any day (Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday) of the conference, as we cannot commit to time scheduling to suit authors.

Key Dates

6 February 2012 – Last date for abstract submission (refereed, non-refereed and abstracts only papers)
13 February 2012 – Abstracts accepted/rejected
24 March 2012 – Last date for full paper submission – refereed papers
12 April 2012 – Reviews back for refereed papers
28 April 2012 – Last date for full paper submission – revised refereed and non-refereed papers
30 April 2012 – Draft release of program
2 May 2012 – Last date for presenters to register for conference
4 May 2012 – Final release of program
18 June 2012 – SimTecT 2012 Conference

Note: Authors are requested to allow sufficient time in their schedule (ie closing date for submission) for having their paper undergo their organisation’s necessary internal technical, export and legal reviews and also meet conference submission deadlines. If you are unable to comply with this please do not submit an abstract.

Conference Oral Presentation

SimTecT has developed into one of the most prestigious and popular simulation conferences in the Asia Pacific region and now attracts presentations from a diverse community including defence, mining, emergency management and commerce. Accordingly, in 2012, oral presentations will be 15 minutes and there will be a 10 minutes question time at the end of the session. This new and exciting format brings SimTecT into line with current best practice, and will ensure maximum presentation diversity to the conference. Each presenter will be offered 15 minutes to engage delegates in a dynamic and fast paced delivery. The presentation time is not intended to allow for a complete narration of the paper and it is important for presenters to be very focused and conscious of time. To maximise the impact of their presentations, presenters are encouraged to concentrate on imparting enough information for the delegate to decide to read the submitted paper and/or to engage with the presenter either during the closing stages of the session or at an agreeable time at “Speakers Corner”.


  • Authors may elect, or the review committee may select, presentations to be given in poster format.
  • Posters should be sized 810mm x 1000mm on laminated cardboard. Advice on how to produce posters is available.
  • A dedicated area will be set aside for display of posters, or optionally, a computer display (using the author’s equipment, or with specific prior arrangements, one provided by the conference organisers).
  • The author/s will be expected to be available at their poster position at designated time(s) to present their work.

Posters provide some advantages over conference presentations:

  • Ability to have a static display available throughout the conference period
  • Able to have a presentation running continuously (subject to equipment availability)
  • Able to run presentations as required – one on one, or group, and
  • High capacity for networking.

Best Paper Awards

The Papers Review Committee makes two awards: Best Paper and Best Student Paper. The recipient of the Best Paper Award will be eligible to attend and present at the 2012 I/ITSEC Conference in Orlando, USA with up to AUD$5,000 (inc. GST) contribution towards registration, travel and accommodation from Simulation Australia. The Best Student Paper author will attend and present at SimTecT 2013, with up to AUD$2,000 (inc. GST) contribution towards registration, travel and accommodation from the Simulation Australia.

Body of Knowledge Prize

The Body of Knowledge Prize will be awarded to that paper which best contributes to the development of standards, capture of best practice or contribution to the Australian simulation community’s body of knowledge. The award will provide up to AUD$5,000 (inc GST) for presentation of that paper at the SISO 2013 Spring SIW to be held in the US in April 2013.

Details of the award are available on Simulation Australia’s Standards website.

Author Registration

Authors must register for the conference by 2 May 2012, in order for them to present and for their papers/abstracts to be included in the conference handbook/proceedings. Note that authors are eligible for early-bird registration up to this date.


For further information about the submission of papers, please contact Kellie Singer at Consec – Conference Management – email

Sponsorship & Exhibition

or information regarding sponsorship or the exhibition at SimTecT 2012, please contact Aaron Neame, Exhibition and Sponsorship Manager at Consec – Conference Management – or telephone + 61 2 6251 0675.

Conference Managers

For further information about the conference, including abstract submission, please contact:

Consec – Conference Management

PO Box 3127, BMDC ACT 2617
Telephone: +61 2 6251 0675
Facsimile: +61 2 6251 0672

Conference Manager: Barry Neame, CEM, PCO-DIR
Conference Co-ordinator: Kellie Singer, Dip Events MgMT
Exhibition and Sponsorship Manager: Aaron Neame


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