ISPR’s free Presence bibliography grows; reference submission form and visualizations added

The ISPR Presence bibliography now contains nearly 3,000 academic journal articles, book chapters, books, theses and dissertations related to telepresence and presence. The free bibliography is available on the ISPR web site (under “About Presence”). The site now includes a web form for the submission of additional references as well as a series of visualizations of the current (tele)presence literature.

Because the scholarship related to (tele)presence is so interdisciplinary, standard indices and bibliographic databases include only pieces of the relevant literature; the use of the term “presence” as a shortened version of “telepresence” makes searching for relevant literature even more difficult. The Presence bibliography on the ISPR site is the most comprehensive and inclusive available. The database was created using RefWorks and RefShare online software and features detailed bibliographic data including document abstracts, all accessible via advanced search options and in multiple viewing formats; the software can also be used to generate custom reference lists.  The process used to identify the works included in the database is outlined in

Lombard, M., & Jones M. T. (2007). Identifying the (Tele)Presence Literature. PsychNology Journal, 5(2), 197 – 206.

which is available online (in Acrobat .pdf format) here.

Click here to visit the RefWorks Telepresence Literature Database


Visualizing the telepresence literature

Click on the thumbnails below to see visualizations of the current telepresence bibliography (created using IBM’s Many Eyes software).

Number of Presence Articles Per Year, 1937-2010

Number of Presence Articles Per Year, 1937-2010, Line Graph

Many Eyes

Number of Articles Per Journal (Bubble Chart)

Number of Articles Per Journal, Bubble Chart, Edited 2 Many Eyes

First Authors (last name, first initial) (Word Cloud)

Presence First Authors, Last Name, First Initial, Word Cloud Many Eyes

Two-word phrases from entry titles (Word Cloud and Tag Cloud)

Word Cloud of Article TitlesMany Eyes

Two-word tag cloud of Article Titles Many Eyes

Keywords (Word Cloud*)

Presence Keywords, Word Cloud Many Eyes*814 records do not have any keywords listed


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