Call: Innovation, technology and converging practices in drama, applied theatre and performance (RiDE special issue)

Call for Papers: Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance Themed edition on innovation, technology and converging practices in drama, applied theatre and performance

RiDE: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance is a refereed journal aimed at those who are interested in applying performance practices to cultural engagement, educational innovation and social change. It provides an international forum for research into drama and theatre conducted in community, educational, developmental and therapeutic contexts. Contributions are drawn from a range of people involved in drama and theatre from around the world. It aims to bring the fruits of the best researchers to an international readership and to further debates in the rich and diverse field of educational drama and applied theatre.

This themed edition will explore the rapidly evolving intersections between drama, applied theatre, digital gaming, technology and educational practices in a variety of settings. Its intention is to examine examples of theory, research and praxis that move beyond anecdotal discussion of approaches and design. The general aim is to provide a rich discussion about the place and implications of technology, innovation and convergence on applied theatre and drama to support teachers and other drama practitioners. While it will consider classroom drama settings, contributions are particularly encouraged from those working in other spaces and community settings. We are also interested in how pedagogies of theatre and performance studies are affected in Higher Education settings by new technologies.

You are invited to submit a proposal of between 300-500 words for an article of approximately 5,000 words in length. Your contribution might:

  • Examine issues of liveness and virtuality
  • Explore the issues that relate to questions of the “digital divide”
  • Offer analyses of changing aesthetic responses to drama, performance and technology
  • Report on research that relates to drama education technology, innovation and convergence
  • Report and theorise applied theatre approaches that use the innovative strategies.
  • Examine ethical questions in the intersections of drama, technology, education and applied theatre.
  • Review recent conferences/publications/performance events in the field

The Guest Editors of this themed edition are Dr. David Cameron (The University of Newcastle, Australia), A/Prof Michael Anderson (The University of Sydney, Australia) Professor John Carroll (Charles Sturt University, Australia)

Please send proposals by May 13, 2011, to: Dr Joe Winston:, and

Contributors whose proposals have been accepted will be informed by June 29, 2011. Authors will be asked to submit their full article for peer review as is customary for the journal, by November 25th, 2011.

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