Conferences April 9-14, 2011
Exhibits April 11-14, 2011
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Experience telepresence technologies and get perspectives from worldwide thought leaders on the future of this next generation visual communications platform and the business case and costs for deploying telepresence solutions. This two-day conference will present products, solutions and technical insights across a broad spectrum of business sectors.
Featured Speakers:
Left to right: Keynote – Mary Davie, General Services Administration; Hyoun Park, Aberdeen Research Group; Howard Lichtman, Human Productivity Lab; Christine Martin, California Telemedicine
and Health Center
Featured Sessions:
Roundtable: The Future of Telepresence – Innovations and Impacts
Telepresence technologies are evolving quickly; in this panel leading researchers affiliated with the International Society for Presence Research (ISPR) discuss what’s coming in the near, and the more distant, interaction.
- Matthew Lombard, President, International Society for Presence Research, Professor Temple University
- Wijnand IJsselsteijn, Human-Technology Interaction Group, School of Innovation Sciences, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Paul Skalski, School of Communication, Cleveland State University
- Jesse Fox, School of Communication, Ohio State University (with James Blascovich and Jeremy Bailenson, authors of the new book Infinite Reality: Avatars, Eternal Life, New Worlds, and the Dawn of the Virtual Revolution)
Case Study: Telepresence in Government — Behind the GSA Telepresence Roll-out
This presentation offers an overview of GSA’s telepresence vision, the partnership plan to implement the network, and the experience from all players in deploying an immersive, visual communications platform.
Revenue-Producing Business Uses for the Telepresence-Enabled Enterprise
Learn how the value of video-enhanced communications tool has shifted from executive communications to a broad-based set of tasks throughout the enterprise.
Case Study – Integrating Telepresence in Broadcast Quality Video Production
In this case study, understand the business case including cost savings, business process improvement and applications enabled by integrating telepresence into broadcast video production units.
Best Practices in Telepresence-Enabled Health Care
The healthcare industry is a complex web of interworking systems, business silos, regulatory and compliance procedures and most importantly, clinical care. Hear the discussion on how systems integrators can develop, provision and implement a telepresence systems that functions effectively while safeguarding information privacy and security.
Registration Packages
To attend the Telepresence Conference, register for one of these packages:
- SMART Pass — Your SMARTest option! All sessions, your choice of one Luncheon, exhibits and 200+ hours of recorded sessions in the 2011 Online Learning Center. Does not include access to PPW Certification, PPW One-day options
or Master Class in 3D Filmmaking. - Conference Flex Pass — Attend sessions across nine conferences!
SPECIAL OFFER — Register now with pass code TF27 for $100 off one of the above education packages or
FREE access to the exhibit floor!
See all packages and discounts
or FREE Exhibits Only!
Use pass code TF27
Media Partner Special Offer – Download FREE Research Paper