Call: ‘Social Computing’ at the International Conference on Computing and Philosophy

Call for Papers
‘Social Computing’ 
at the International Conference on Computing and Philosophy
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International Association for Computing and Philosophy (IACAP)
First International Conference of IACAP: celebrating 25 years of Computing and Philosophy (CAP) conferences; Conference Theme: “The Computational Turn: Past, Presents, Futures?”
Aarhus University — July 4-6, 2011

Important dates
Feb 28, 2011: Abstract submission deadline
March 30, 2011: Notification of acceptance

NB: Up to six bursaries of $500.00 each will be awarded to authors of the best PhD student or post-doc extended abstract, in support of travel and related costs for attending IACAP?11.

Track Description:

One of the most remarkable recent developments in computing undeniably lies in its social turn. Information and communication technologies (ICT) are increasingly characterized by the interaction between multiple users through those technologies. Widespread examples of social software are blogs, wikis, social bookmarking services, instant messaging services, email and social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn or

Social computing often uses various types of crowdsourcing techniques – aggregation of input from numerous users (public at large). Tools such as prediction markets, social tagging, reputation and trust systems as well as recommender systems are based on collaborative filtering and thus a result of crowdsourcing. So in this first understanding, social computing includes collaborative user-generated media with shared knowledge and community-building of societal ecosystem.

Another meaning of the term social computing refers to computational modeling of social behavior. Social computing constructs generative agent-based computational models in order to explain and predict the behavior of social systems.

Social computing in the first sense (with the focus on social) is a phenomenon which enables extended social cognition, while the second meaning of social computing (with the focus on computing) is computational modeling of (extended) social cognition.

In this track, we invite contributions that tackle theoretical and practical implications of both types of social computing.

The track addresses, but is not limited to, the following topics:

  • Notions of the social used and/or enforced in social computing
  • Notions of computing used in social computing
  • Epistemological and ethical consequences of distributed modes of knowledge creation and distribution in social computing
  • Philosophical implications of socialty in social networking sites (e.g. identity, privacy, social structures, etc.)
  • How can trust in social computing be conceived? What are the differences and similarities between notions of trust e.g. in multi-agent systems, social networking sites, recommender systems, etc.? What are the differences and similarities between trust online and offline?
  • Forming of individual existence in relation to social computing
  • Epistemically and ethically responsible behavior with respect to social software and how it can be supported
  • Computational models of social networks
  • Consequences of social computing for extended social cognition

If you are interested, please submit an electronic version of an extended abstract (total word count approximately 1000 words) to and

The file should also contain a 350 word abstract that will be used for the conference web site/booklet.

NB: if you are a PhD- or post-doc student who would like for your extended abstract to be considered in the competition for the travel bursaries, be sure to indicate this in your submission.

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