June 12-15, 2011
San Francisco, CA, USA
collocated with Pervasive 2011
Paper submissions deadline: February 9th at 23:59PDT.
ISWC 2011, the fifteenth annual International Symposium on Wearable Computers, is the premier forum for wearable computing and issues related to on-body and worn mobile technologies. ISWC´11 will bring together researchers, product vendors, fashion designers, textile manufacturers, users, and related professionals to share information and advances in wearable computing. ISWC´11 explicitly aims to broaden its scope to include wearables and the cloud, wearable uses of cell phones and cell phone applications, as they have become the most successful wearable computer to date, wearables for professional use, mainstream applications and healthcare, and wearable for entertainment. ISWC´11 invites to submit original work in one or more of the following formats: full papers, notes, posters, late breaking results, demonstrations, videos, tutorials and workshops. As already successfully performed in the past, this year’s ISWC also invites for a contest of wearable system designs, encouraging academic and industrial design, media and art authorities to submit conceptual work in a creative, inspiring, innovative and future oriented style.
## Wearable Systems
- Wearable system design, wearable displays and electronic textiles
- Wearable sensors, actuators, input/output devices and power management systems
- Interaction design, industrial design of wearable systems
- Wearable sensor networks for sensing context-awareness, activity or cognitive state
- Software and service architectures, infrastructure based as well as ad-hoc systems
- Operating systems issues related to wearable computing, including issues such as dependability, fault tolerance, security, trustworthiness and power management
- Networks, including wireless networks, on-body networks, and support for interaction with other wearables, pervasive and ubiquitous computing systems or the Internet
- Wearables and the Cloud
- Cooperative wearables, ensembles of wearable artifacts, coordination or wearables
- Techniques for power management and heat dissipation, and manufacturing issues
## Usability, HCI and Human Factors in Wearable Computing
- Human factors issues with and ergonomics of body worn computing systems
- User modeling, user evaluation, usability engineering of wearable systems
- Systems and designs for combining wearable and pervasive/ubiquitous computing
- Interfaces, including hands-free approaches, speech-based interaction, sensory augmentation, haptics, and human-centered robotics
- Social implications, health risk, environmental and privacy issues
- Wearable technology for social-network computing, visualization and augmentation
- Experience design
## Applications of Wearable Systems
- Wearable systems in consumer, industrial, work, manufacturing, environmental, educational, medical, sports, wellness, health care and ambient assisted living domains
- Wearable systems in culture, fashion and the arts
- Smart clothing, for people with disabilities, and for elderly enablement
- Use of wearable computers as components of larger systems, such as augmented reality systems, training systems and systems designed to support collaborative work
- Wearables for entertainment
- Formal evaluation of performance of wearable computer technologies, and comparisons with existing technologies
## Mobile Phones as Wearables
- Mobile applications designed for / delivered through cell phones
- Cell phone services, cell phone designs, cell phones as personal computers
- Cell phone technologies, e.g. combining short and long range radios, multimedia streaming
- Extending cell phone hardware e.g. sensing, novel IO modalities, embeddings
- Cell phone interaction, cooperative cell phones, grids and clouds of cell phones
- Studies based on cell phone deployments (especially large scale)
## Conference Chairs
Kent Lyons (Intel Labs, USA)
## Program Committee Co-Chairs
Asim Smailagic (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Holger Kenn (Microsoft EMIC Aachen, GER)
## Full Papers
Regular paper submissions must present original, highly innovative, prospective and forward-looking research in one or more of the themes given above. Full papers must break new ground, present new insight, deliver a significant research contribution and provide validated support for its results and conclusions. Successful submissions typically represent a major advance for the field of wearable computing, referencing and relating the contribution to existing research work, giving a comprehensive, detailed and understandable explanation of a device, system, study, theory or method, and support the findings with a compelling evaluation and/or validation. Each paper must be submitted as a single PDF file in IEEE Computer Science Press 8.5×11 inch two-column format (not longer than eight pages in length). Accepted regular papers will be included in the printed conference main proceedings and presented in the paper sessions. Submissions to ISWC´11 must not be under review by any other conference or publication during the ISWC review cycle, and must not be previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere. Paper submissions are due February 9th at 23:59PDT.
## Notes and Posters
Notes (not longer than four pages in length) and posters (not longer than two pages in length) must report new results and provide support for the results, as a novel and valuable contribution to the field – just like full papers. Notes are intended for succinct work that is nonetheless in a mature state ready for inclusion in archival proceedings. Posters are intended to present very concise, yet focused and significant research results. Both notes and posters will be held to the same standard of scientific quality as full papers, albeit for a shorter presentation, and must still state how they fit with respect to related work, and provide a compelling explanation and validation. Notes and posters must be submitted as single PDF file in IEEE Computer Science Press 8.5×11-inch two-column format. Accepted notes and posters will be published in the conference main proceedings. Notes will be presented in the paper sessions of the conference; posters will be presented at the conference poster and demonstration session. Note and Poster submissions are due February 9th at 23:59PDT.
## Reviewing Process for Papers, Notes, Posters
ISWC´11 adopts a double-blind process for full papers, notes and posters.
*Authors’ names and their affiliations must not be revealed or mentioned anywhere in the submission.*
The ISWC´11 Proceedings consisting of Papers, Notes and Posters will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press as print proceedings, and on-line via IEEE XPlore Digital Library (approval pending). Additional material will be published electronically.