Sheffield Hallam University, England
21-24 June 2011
Call for Papers
The Department of Media Arts and Communication is hosting a cross-disciplinary conference which considers the implications for viewing, spectatorship and participation arising from recent technological developments in image production; developments which have the capacity to increase detail, precision and fidelity.
Nothing Left to the Imagination? encourages participants to explore the ways in which the tendency towards the production of immaculate image quality impacts on the experience of visual media. Does heightened visual experience enhance, compete, or co-exist, with the potential for cognitive pleasure, immersion and interactivity? The conference invites consideration of the possible tension between these two experiential qualities, in the context of current practice and recent technological development across a range of visual media. We also invite contributions that consider the pedagogic implications of such developments.
We invite proposals for 20 minute papers. Send abstracts of up to 350 words to: by Monday 13th December 2010. Please include your name, contact details and supply a short profile indicating your background, affiliations and research interests.
For further information, please consult our conference website at:
This conference will be complimented by industry led workshops and will launch a series of events which address emerging visual media technologies. The aim of these events is to establish a research network in order to exchange and disseminate ideas; bringing together academia, industry and any other relevant partners. A selection of papers will be published following the conference; details to follow later.
We also plan a one day fringe symposium for students. See conference web site for further details.