SimTecT 2011
Asia-Pacific Simulation and Training Conference and Exhibition
Call for Abstracts
SimTecT 2011 will be held from Monday 30 May to Thursday 2 June, 2011 at the Melbourne Convention Centre in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
The major theme of SimTecT 2011 is “Achieving Excellence in Training and Decision Support through Simulation”.
Download the SimTecT 2011 Call For Abstracts / Papers Brochure (607 KB PDF).
We are seeking papers specifically addressing your experience in delivering positive outcomes through simulation in two main areas:
- Training
- Decision Support
We want to explore the extent of what is possible, and what enablers and barriers you have encountered in using simulation.
SimTecT 2011 aims to provide delegates with a greater focus on the application of simulation within training and/or decision support contexts. Specifically, we want to hear about: What did you set out to do? How did you do it? What worked? How well did it work? What didn’t work? What are the lessons?
Definition of simulation
Simulation can take the form of play, ‘what-if’ scenarios, role-plays, and/ or representational models of actual devices, processes, events and scenarios. A simulation may be, but is not necessarily, computer-based.
Further Information
For further information about the submission of papers, please contact the Papers Co-Ordinator, Dr Elyssebeth Leigh.
User Groups
- Capability assessment and development
- Operations
- Research
- Key Project Case Studies
- Aerospace
- Civil Aviation
- Road
- Rail
- Maritime
- Logistics / Distribution
Emergency Management
- National Security
- Support to Multi-Agency Collaboration
Resources / Infrastructure
- Mining
- Oil & Gas
- Construction
- Product Design
- Manufacturing planning and process optimisation
- Secondary, Tertiary, VET
- Social and Organisational Learning
- Components relating to the above sectors (note – there is also a SimTecT Healthcare in September)
We are interested in case studies and research focusing on designing, facilitating, evaluating, supporting or managing training, using simulations, for the following technical and leadership skill-sets:
Technical (procedural) skills:
- Entry-level (including induction) or advanced skills training for people in the following areas:
- Administration (eg to how to operate software)
- Specialist support (eg logistics – how to load a truck, how to read a map)
- Operators (eg how to operate equipment)
- Maintainers
- Trade (eg how to weld)
- Professional/specialist (eg how to fly a helicopter)
People skills:
- Planning
- Situational Awareness
- Decision Making
- Communication
- Teamwork
- Leadership
- Managing Stress
- Coping with Fatigue
Decision Support
Capability development:
- Supporting force options decisions
- Effective uses of simulation during acquisition
- Executable architectures for joint interoperability
- Lifecycle support modelling
Support to operations:
- Prepare, evaluate and improve doctrine, tactics, strategy before and during operations
- Effective Human Behaviour Modelling
- Management of cultural factors such as language
- Use of training to address strategy questions
- Augmented reality
- Adaptive planning
- Command and Control
- Joint Operation
Presentation Formats
SimTecT offers the opportunity for Poster, or Conference Presentations.
Conference Presentation
Presenters will have about 20 minutes to go through their key points, and are encouraged to make the period as interactive as possible. The total time allocated for each paper (including moving in / out, introduction, presentation, Q&A) is 30 minutes.
Acceptance of the paper shall be accompanied by details of speaker requirements.
Audio-visual aids will be provided for PowerPoint 2000 for Windows2003 (or equivalent). Computers with CDs shall be provided. Presenters may use their own laptops by special arrangement. While other presentation media will only be permitted with prior arrangement, you are encouraged to engage your audience as much as possible. An optional PowerPoint template is available from the web-site.
Authors may elect, or the Review Committee may select presentations to be given in Poster format.
Posters should be 1m x 1m in dimension on laminated cardboard.
Advice on how to produce posters is available.
An area in the Exhibition Hall will be set aside for display of posters, or optionally, a computer display (using the author’s equipment, and with special prior arrangement with the Conference Organisers). The author/s will be expected to be available at their poster position at designated time(s) to present their work.
Posters provide some advantages over conference presentations:
- Ability to have a static display available throughout the conference period
- Able to have a presentation running continuously (subject to equipment availability)
- Able to run presentations as required
Conference Proceedings
Accepted papers which have a registered presenter will be published in the Conference Proceedings, if the presenter registers for the conference by the required date. The Organising Committee is encouraging the simulation community to read and cite the papers by making them freely available on the SA’s web-site (six months after the Conference), and by allocating ISBN numbers to both the hardcopy and CD Proceedings.
Author Registration
Authors must register for the Conference (by 8 April 2011), in order for them to present, and for their papers to be included in the Conference Proceedings.
Key Dates
3 December 2010 Last date for abstract submission (refereed and non-refereed papers)
10 December 2010 Abstracts accepted/rejected
28 January 2011 Last date for refereed papers submission
4 March 2011 Reviews back for refereed papers
18 March 2011 Last date for papers submission (non-refereed and revised refereed)
1 April 2011 Draft release of program
8 April 2011 Last date for presenters to register for conference
29 April 2011 Final release of program
8 April 2011 Last date for presenters to register for Conference
30 May – 2 June 2011 SimTecT 2011 Conference
Note: Authors should allow sufficient time in their schedule for having their paper undergo their organisation’s necessary internal technical and legal reviews.
Abstract Submission
Abstracts may be submitted, and revised here.
The following information is required to be submitted:
– not to exceed ten words in length - ABSTRACT
– provide an overview/summary of the proposed paper between 200-300 words in length (refereed papers: 350-500 words). - AUTHOR/S
– given name first, surname last (capitalized) - PRESENTER
– given name first, surname last (capitalized)
– presenter MUST register to attend SimTecT 2011 by 8 April 2011 for papers to be published and presented - PRINCIPAL AUTHOR or CONTACT ADDRESS
– full postal address, incl postcode/zip & country
– full telephone number (incl country & area code)
– email address (all correspondence sent via email) - Suggested User Group Area
- Suggested Specialisation
- Suggested Stream
– refereed, student - Requested Format
– presentation, poster - Suggested Audience
– User / Manager, Technologist - Suggested Keywords / Topics
– These will be used to assist in categorisation and programming
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Refereed Papers
SimTecT 2011 includes a Refereed Papers stream. Authors will be able to submit papers for formal review in accordance with research council guidelines.
This facility is intended for academics and others to whom publishing credits are important. It is not required in order to be eligible for the Best Paper Awards.
The Paper Review Committee generously agreed to undertake this formal review.
Best Paper Awards
The Technical Committee makes two types of awards, Best Paper and Best Student Papers. The recipient of the Best Paper award will be eligible to attend and present their paper at the 2011 I/ITSEC Conference in Orlando, USA with a substantial contribution of up to A$5,000 towards travel and accommodation from Simulation Australia.
To encourage student participation, the Simulation Australia Board has agreed to make available a Best Student Paper award. The authors of the Best Student Paper will attend SimTecT 2012, or undertake other educational activities, to a value of up to A$2,000 each, courtesy of the SIAA.
See the SimTecT 2010 News page for the winners of the SimTecT 2010 Best Papers Awards.
Criteria for the Best Paper awards, and the selection process, have been defined so as to be clear and transparent. Download the details.
Note that papers do not have to be refereed in order to be eligible for the Best Paper Awards.
Standards Body of Knowledge Prize
For information and submission criteria and details, see Simulation Australia’s Standards web-site.
Papers must be unclassified and must include appropriate copyright, company and/or government clearance. Papers previously presented or published as well as marketing papers will not be accepted.
Paper Submission
Authors whose Abstracts have been accepted, will be advised by email for the URL for submitting their Papers.
If there is a problem with this process, please contact the Papers Co-ordinator, Dr Elyssebeth Leigh.
Paper Submission Requirements
Papers must conform to the template which is available for download.
Papers citing references should use the format which is available for download.
Paper presentation slots will be a total of 30 minutes duration, consisting of:
- 20 minute presentation
- 5 minute question period
- 5 minute Move in / Introduction / Move out period.
Audio visual aids will be provided for PowerPoint 2000 for Windows2003 (or equivalent). Computers with CDs will be provided. Presenters may use their own laptops by special arrangement. No other presentation medium shall be permitted without prior arrangement.
Templates and Speakers Guide
Papers must conform to the template which is available for download.
To assist with the preparation and delivery of the presentation, you may download a Presentation Template (note – this is not mandatory!) and a Speakers Guide.
Further Information
For further information about the submission of papers, please contact the Papers Co-Ordinator, Dr Elyssebeth Leigh.
Previous Papers
You can view papers from previous SimTecT Conferences in the Simulation Australia’s Library.