2nd International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI’10)
Conference: Thu/Fri 11-12 Nov 2010
Submission Deadline: 02 July 2010
- new concepts for in-car user interfaces
- multi-modal in-car user interfaces
- in-car speech user interfaces
- text input and output while driving
- multimedia interfaces and in-car entertainment
- evaluation of in-car user interfaces
- methods and tools for automotive user interface research
- development tools and methods for automotive user interfaces
- automotive user interface frameworks and toolkits
- detecting and estimating user intentions
- detecting user distraction and estimating cognitive load
- user interfaces for assistive functionality
- biometrics and physiological sensors as a user interface component
- using sensors and context for interactive experiences in the car
- user interfaces for information access while driving
- user interfaces for navigation systems
- applications and user interfaces for inter-vehicle communication
- in-car gaming
Conference goals:
In-car electronic devices are becoming ubiquitous. Drivers and passengers use these devices because they perceive them as providing a valuable service. Some of these devices, such as collision warning systems, assist drivers in performing the primary task in a vehicle which is driving. Others provide information on myriad subjects or entertain the driver and passengers. A problem that arises from the proliferation of in-car devices is that they may distract drivers from the primary task of driving, with possibly disastrous results. Thus, one of the three major goals of the Automotive UI 2010 conference is to explore ways in which in-car user interfaces can be designed so as to avoid distracting the driver while still providing a valuable service. This is a challenging task, especially given that the design of in-car devices, which was historically the responsibility of car manufacturers and OEMs, is now a shared responsibility between a large and ever-changing group of parties. This group includes the car manufacturers and OEMs, but also the designers of devices that are brought in to the car, such as portable personal navigation devices and MP3 players.
As we consider driving safety, our focus in designing in-car user interfaces should not be purely on eliminating distractions. In-car devices with carefully designed user interfaces may also provide an opportunity to improve the driver’s performance and hopefully the safety of driving. The second major goal of Automotive UI 2010 is to explore approaches to designing in-car user interfaces that will accomplish exactly this.
Finally, some in-car devices, such as rear-seat entertainment systems, are aimed purely at passengers. The third major goal of Automotive UI 2010 is to explore the design of interfaces for these devices.
Authors are invited to submit papers that are 2, 4 or 8 pages long, formatted to follow the two column ACM SIGCHI format. We are happy to consider a variety of styles for inclusion in the proceedings, such as academic papers, design sketches, interaction concepts, and industrial case studies. The papers will be selected using a peer-review process.
Conference Chairs
Albrecht Schmidt, University of Duisburg-Essen
Anind Dey, Carnegie Mellon University
Program Chairs
Susanne Boll, University of Oldenburg
Andrew L. Kun, University of New Hampshire
Program Committee
Peter Abowd, Altia
Elisabeth Andre, University of Augsburg
Andre Berton, Daimler AG
Susanne Boll, University of Oldenburg
Verena Broy, BMW Group Research and Technology
Liselott Brunnberg, Interactive Institute
Gary Burnett, Nottingham University
Vinny Cahill, Trinity College Dublin
Anind Dey, Carnegie Mellon University
Ronald Ecker, BMW Group Research and Technology
Alois Ferscha, Universität Linz
Peter Froehlich, FTW
Danny Grant, Immersion Corporation
Paul Green, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute
Bret Harsham, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
Peter Heeman, Oregon Health & Science University
Martin Hofmann, Carmeq GmbH
William Horrey, Liberty Mutual
Shamsi T. Iqbal, Microsoft Research
Giulio Jacucci, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology
Matt Jones, Swansea University
Oskar Juhlin, Interactive Institute
Dagmar Kern, University of Duisburg-Essen
SeungJun Kim, Carnegie Mellon University
Matthias Kranz, Technische Unversität München
Antonio Krüger, University of Münster
John Krumm, Microsoft Research
Andrew Kun, University of New Hampshire
Joonhwan Lee, Neowiz Lab
Kevin Li, AT&T Labs
Zeljko Medenica, University of New Hampshire
W. Thomas Miller, III, University of New Hampshire
Christian Muller, DFKI
Jonathan Munson, IBM T.J. Watson Research Laboratory
Tim Paek, Microsoft Research
Oskar Palinko, University of New Hampshire
Mark Perry, Brunel University
Aaron Quigley, HITLab Australia
Benjamin Reaves, Toyota Info Technology Center USA
Bryan Reimer, MIT
Andreas Riener, Universität Linz
Albrecht Schmidt, University of Duisburg-Essen
Thomas Seder, General Motors Research Labs
Kazunori Shidoji, Kyushu University
Mikael Skov, Aalborg University
Wolfgang Spiessl, BMW Group Research and Technology
Aaron Steinfeld, Carnegie Mellon University
Ivan Tashev, Microsoft Research
Marcus Toennis, Technical University of Munich
Ingo Totzke, University of Würzburg
Noam Tractinsky, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Manfred Tscheligi, Salzburg University
Michael Weber, University of Ulm
Garrett Weinberg, MERL
Reto Wettach, FH Potsdam
Nora Zelhofer, Daimler AG